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Your Estimated Savings Over the Years
Salary vs. Increment Chart
This graph shows your estimated annual savings in an abroad country. Depending on your loan amount %, the initial years may show negative savings as you won't be earning. Estimated savings rise over time. The data shown is based on average alumni salaries from your chosen course and college.
GyanDhan's 'Estimate Your Future Earnings' tool is an advanced data-backed tool. This tool, one of its kind, considers opportunity cost along with the actual cost to help students understand the real return on investment. Here is how the tool calculates the results:
Students can use this tool to compare the countries based on the return on investment. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use this tool:
Based on the information provided and an assorted list of data points, the tool tells you the additional savings i.e. how much extra you would be able to save compared to if you would have not opted for abroad education. For Example, in 10 Years, a student would have saved INR 30 Lakhs here in India and now by going abroad is able to save INR 1 Cr, then the additional saving is INR 70 Lakhs.
It gives you a country-wise graph of the estimated additional savings (based on the target countries you choose). It also provides a country-wise salary vs investment chart. For an in-depth understanding of the mechanism that we use to compute the figures, read the ‘Methodology’ section below.
The following is the in-depth methodology behind the calculations presented:
Whether you've just graduated or have worked for a few years, this tool can help you understand if you should go for Masters in STEM from an abroad university. If you are going for any other course, you can get in touch with an expert here.
Students can use this tool to compare the countries based on the return on investment. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use this tool:
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Algorithm equipped with multiple data points, will steer you through your study abroad journey.
Confused about how abroad education journey looks like?
Here’s the complete beginners’ guide…
Step 1:
Things to know before getting started: courses, colleges, funding and more
Explore NowStep 2:
Things to know for applying to study abroad: cost of study, exams, SOP and more
Explore NowStep 3:
Things to know while finalising university, networking and scholarships
Explore NowStep 4:
Things to know about financing your education: loan eligibility, approval and more
Explore NowStep 6:
Things to know about accommodation, Forex, SIM cards, networking and more
Explore NowA quick Glimpse of your journey
Step 1:
Things to know before getting started: courses, colleges, funding and more
Explore NowStep 2:
Things to know for applying to study abroad: cost of study, exams, SOP and more
Explore NowStep 3:
Things to know while finalising university, networking and scholarships
Explore NowStep 4:
Things to know about financing your education: loan eligibility, approval and more
Explore NowStep 6:
Things to know about accommodation, Forex, SIM cards, networking and more
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