University of Lincoln India Scholarship

The University of Lincoln India Scholarship

The University of Lincoln India Scholarship

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The India Scholarship at the University of Lincoln is intended to assist students from across India in gaining access to postgraduate level study at the University of Lincoln. The India Scholarship is available as a tuition fee reduction for a postgraduate taught programme beginning in 2023/24.

Offered by  Institution 
Amount granted INR 4,18,181
Type of scholarship College-specific, merit-based, need-based 
Level of program  Graduate 
Application deadline December, 01, 2024
Renewability  One time payment 
International students Yes 
Official url  University of Lincoln

What are the benefits of the University of Lincoln India Scholarship?

The University of Lincoln Scholarship grant provides a significant amount of assistance to students, significantly reducing their financial burden.

The India Scholarship is worth INR 4,18,181 and will be given to eligible students as a tuition fee reduction during their first year of study. 

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What is the eligibility criteria for the University of Lincoln India Scholarship?

Prospective students must meet the following criteria to be eligible for the India Scholarship:

  • list items Be an Indian national or have permanent residence in India. 
  • list items Hold a University of Lincoln Conditional or Unconditional Offer for a full-time postgraduate taught programme beginning in September/October 2023 or January/February 2024.
  • list items Have received, or are about to receive, one of the following qualifications:
    • A Bachelor's degree from a recognised institution with a minimum grade point average of 2:2 or higher.
    • A Pre-Masters degree from a recognised institution with a grade equivalent to a 2:2.
    • A Master's degree from an accredited institution with a merit or equivalent grade.

    What is the application process for the University of Lincoln India Scholarship?

    There is no need for a separate application for the University of Lincoln India Scholarship; qualified students will be given automatic consideration. Applicants must submit their admission applications before the following deadlines in order to be eligible for the scholarship.

    For programmes starting in January/February 2024 - December, 01, 2023.

    The scholarship recipient list will only include students who are accepted to University of Lincoln, whether on an unconditional or conditional basis.

    Explore alternative of scholarships to finance your education -


    What are the documents required for the University of Lincoln India Scholarship?

  • list items Previous academic certificates 
  • list items Official transcripts 
  • list items International passport
  • list items Research proposal 
  • list items CV
  • list items Letters of recommendation
  • list items Proficiency certificate
  • list items Study plan 
  • Sprinkles

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    What is the selection process for the University of Lincoln India Scholarship?

    There is no specific selection process of Lincoln University. Students who will meet the eligibility criteria will be selected on the basis of their past academic performance. 


    How can you contact the University of Lincoln India Scholarship?

    For further information, you may contact the university. 

    University of Lincoln

    Brayford Pool, Lincoln
    LN6 7TS, UK

    Telephone Number - (+44) (0)1522 882000 | Email Id -


    Frequently asked questions

    Is it hard to get into Lincoln University?

    At Lincoln University, the acceptance rate is 79.7%.

    Eighty out of every hundred applicants are accepted. Thus, the school employs a minimal level of selection.

    Is Lincoln a good place to live?

    Families, young people, and professionals can all live well in Lincoln thanks to its bustling city centre, gorgeous surroundings, and well-balanced mix of old and new.

    Is Lincoln University recognised in India?

    The "Association of Indian Universities (AIU)" has accepted Lincoln University College as an associate member.

    Which languages are available at the University of Lincoln?

    The University of Lincoln offers Mandarin Chinese, French, German, English, Italian, and Spanish short courses at the beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels.

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