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LOR for Engineering Student

LOR for Engineering Student: Sample, Tips, & more

LOR for Engineering Student: Sample, Tips, & more

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Find the ultimate guide to the letter of recommendation for engineering students with information on how to write one, tips, samples, & more!

Ananya Ghai
Updated on:  08 Oct 2024 | 130 | 12  min read

A letter of recommendation for engineering students is a crucial component in assessing the prospects of being accepted into one of the best engineering schools abroad. Because admission to renowned colleges ranked at the top is highly competitive, a recommendation letter from a third party becomes crucial for assisting in the evaluation process. Letters of recommendation for engineering students can come from academic or professional sources depending on whether you are applying for an undergraduate or graduate program and the requirements of the university. Read through our blog to understand whom to ask for a recommendation, how to ask them, when to ask them, and more!


How to Write a Letter of Recommendation for Engineering Students?

To obtain a worthy recommendation letter for civil engineer from an employer or professor, it is best to leave it to the writer’s judgment. Although most institutions do not recommend following a strict format, the letter should follow a standard format with an introduction, body, and conclusion just like a professional letter. The format and sample below will provide clarity on the structure of an engineering recommendation letter:


Introduction - Begin the letter of recommendation with a greeting and address it to the admissions committee. The introduction must mention the designation of the writer along with details about their relationship with the candidate. The full name of the candidate along with the program applied for must be stated. Briefly indicate your reason for providing a recommendation for the applicant.


Body - The recommendation letter must be separated into 2-3 short paragraphs depending on the length of the information. Some key points that the letter must highlight include:


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    The focus of the letter should be on the strengths of the applicant, the ability to face challenges, and the potential to succeed.
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    Include concrete examples or relevant incidents wherever possible to emphasize personal and professional attributes.
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    Touch upon points highlighting participation in events, community service, extracurricular activities, or sports.
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    Briefly indicate how their past experiences will help them excel in this program and bring them closer to their aspirations.

Conclusion - End the letter by providing the admissions committee with strong reasons to consider the applicant for admission. Showing your confidence in the candidate and indicating how the program aligns with their future goals is recommended. At the end, provide your contact details and mention that you are ready to answer any further questions that may arise.


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Engineering Recommendation Letter Requirements at Top Universities

Applicants for engineering programs are required to submit one to three letters of recommendation in their application package. Take a look at the table below to get an idea about the engineering recommendation letter requirements at top universities:

Name of University LOR Requirements

Stanford University

Three letters of recommendation from individuals who know you from academic, professional, or community service settings.

University of Oxford

Three references preferably academic.

California Institute of Technology

Two academic letters of recommendation; one related to STEM subjects and the other from humanities or social science.

Imperial College London

Two referees of which one must be an academic reference and the other may be academic or professional.

Yale University

Three recommendations of which two should be from teachers and one from a counselor.


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Tips for Writing a Successful Engineering Recommendation Letter

There are some points that the recommendation writer must ensure to provide an effective recommendation letter for software engineer or any other specialization:

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    The LOR should be crisp and clear focusing on aspects that are relevant to the chosen program such as past achievements and dedication.
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    Your goal should be to help the applicant stand out from the competition.
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    The letter must be written following the formatting guidelines provided by the university, if any.
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    The language of the LOR should be personalized for the applicant and not be general.
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    The recommendation letter should not merely summarize the information stated in transcripts, CVs, or other supporting documents.
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    Exaggeration of achievements or adding false information for embellishment is not recommended.
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    Discuss the personal characteristics of the applicant beyond academic achievements.
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    Do not agree to provide a recommendation for a student if you have little experience with them.




Engineering Recommendation Letter Sample

To the admissions committee/ to whom it may concern,


I am writing this recommendation for [name of student] who is applying to [name of university] for a [name of degree]. I, [name of the recommender] have had the pleasure of teaching and guiding him/her during his/her undergraduate studies at [name of college] where he/she demonstrated exceptional performance.


Apart from academics, he/she is passionate about staying updated with the latest advancements in the field of engineering. His/her enthusiasm extends beyond the classroom as he/she actively participates in workshops, seminars, olympiads, and quizzes. He/she is an active volunteer for community service at our college. He/she believes in spreading knowledge and thus has taken the initiative to teach science to students at a nearby NGO, with the motive to make education accessible. Overall, he/she is multitalented which sets her apart as a truly dedicated student ensuring long-term success in his/her personal and professional life.


He/she possesses an openness to experience which makes her suitable to experiment, innovate, and seek solutions to evolving challenges in this field. I am confident that [name of student] will thrive in this dynamic engineering program and make significant contributions to the scientific community.


Please feel free to contact me at the details provided below in case you have additional questions.






[Phone number]

[Email address]



Do’s and Don’ts While Asking for an Engineering Recommendation Letter

As an applicant, your job is to approach the appropriate person appropriately at the appropriate time to offer a recommendation. However, how can you be sure that your strategy is suitable? To help you better understand how to approach the recommendation writer, review the following list of do’s and don'ts:


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    Start looking for a recommendation writer at least 2-3 months before the submission deadline.
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    Pick someone who knows you well enough to speak about your qualifications.
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    Always show respect for the time and efforts of the engineering recommendation letter writer.
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    Discuss your interest in the chosen engineering program with the writer.
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    Furnish necessary details such as a copy of your transcript, resume, special accomplishments, extracurricular participation, etc. to assist the writer in providing a solid recommendation.
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    Guide the referee with details regarding the program and department as well as the deadline, where and how to submit the letter, etc.


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    Don’t make last-minute requests for the engineering recommendation letter.
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    You must not offer to compose the letter yourself and just obtain the referee’s signature.
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    Don’t forget to appreciate your references and show them gratitude for their assistance.
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    Don’t pressurize your chosen referee for a recommendation if they are not convinced to provide one themselves.

While choosing your recommender, shortlist a person who has enough experience in their domain and at the same time has had enough time to meet with you in person as it adds credibility to your application. Finally, keep in mind the tips discussed above before requesting a letter of recommendation. Speak with GyanDhan experts for assistance in obtaining recommendations to get into your dream institutions abroad.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can I ask for a recommendation letter for civil engineer?

Sometimes universities may predetermine whether you need to provide academic or professional references. Letter of recommendation for engineering students can be obtained from academic sources that include professors, or supervisors, while professional references include previous employers, managers, colleagues, etc.

Can I ask for a recommendation letter for software engineer from friends or relatives?

Usually, a recommendation letter for software engineer from friends or relatives is not acceptable. A letter from friends or relatives has the potential of bias which is why it is not recommended. An engineering recommendation letter can be requested from an academic or professional source who can provide an endorsement for your application. 

How to find the right referee for obtaining an engineering recommendation letter?

To find the ideal referee for obtaining an engineering recommendation letter, you must first identify potential contacts who can attest to your abilities. Finding a recommendation writer involves a few key elements such as getting started early, being courteous while approaching them, and giving them time to decide whether they can provide a recommendation.

What is the recommended length of an LOR for engineering student?

The letter of recommendation for engineering students should not be extended beyond one page. The admissions committee goes through several LORs and therefore to make your letter memorable it is advisable to keep it crisp and clear. The ideal word count for an LOR is 300-500 words.

How many letter of recommendation for engineering students are required?

Universities ask for a specific number of engineering recommendation letters usually ranging between one to three letters. It is advisable to check the official university website to understand the exact requirements.

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