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What Constitutes a Good Letter of Recommendation?

What Constitutes A Good Letter Of Recommendation?

What Constitutes A Good Letter Of Recommendation?

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A Good Letter Of Recommendation can often make the difference between acceptance and rejection. Learn how you can get a stellar LOR detailing your virtues and other aspects of your personality

Ankit Mehra
Updated on:  20 Nov 2024  | Reviewed By:  Aman  | 10.7K | 5  min read

"They say that words are man’s strongest weapon. Of course, you can’t chant to hunt, but a few kind words can inspire the hunter in you."Why the sudden emphasis on words, you ask? Well, college authorities are attentive to many details, and one of them is others’ opinion about you.


What are the Basic Requirements To Study Abroad?

Other than your academic qualifications, there are many secondary factors that affect your admission. The following points will explain what we’re talking about:

  1. list items Declaring a purpose, that is, an official way of bragging, formally.
  2. list items Proof that the most recent level of education that you’ve completed isn’t a hoax.
  3. list items Admission test results – how competitive are you?
  4. list items And finally, a letter of recommendation that praises everything about you.

So, before you start looking for a list of universities in USA for MS in computer science, find your favorite teacher, and ask him/her to bring out the best of you – in writing!


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What is the Importance of the Letter of Recommendation?

Colleges can’t import all aspiring international students with great grades and exceptional test results – there’s just so many of you. With so many students in a similar marks bucket, how do admissions officers decide who’s a better fit for the college?


That’s where the letter of recommendation steps in, and as the dean of Harvard, William Fitzsimmons puts it precisely, letters of recommendation are “extremely important”.


Read more about: Letter Of Recommendation for Masters


How To Writing a Letter of Recommendation?

A good letter of recommendation should highlight a student’s love for learning, their passion for their field of study and not just how cooperative they are in class. A common mistake recommenders make is to use a lot of adjectives, without providing many supporting examples. It’s critical that your recommender provide examples of events that make you the superstar you are. For instance, your recommender should feel free to write about any incident that may seem to negate your patience in class, as long as it highlights your inquisition.


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What Do College Authorities Look For in a Letter Of Recommendation?

Admissions officers look to know you better, wholly. Not just your academic side, but your personality as well. Your goals, successes, and failures should be summed up neatly by your recommender, so as to bring out the real person that you are.


If you’re applying for MS directly after your undergrad, then they want to hear from your professors. If you’re applying with some work experience under your belt, then your recommenders should be a mix of professors and bosses. Note that admission officers want to hear from a person who has had sufficient opportunity to work with you. Resist the temptation of going for the “highest ranked” person you know, and go for professors/bosses who know you the best. For instance – if you’ve not worked with your HOD directly, and are tempted to approach him/her for a recommendation, realize that a generic letter from this HOD will hurt, rather than help, your chances.


If you haven’t already, approach your possible recommenders today. Tell them about your goals, and request them to bring the best out of you.


Along with a letter of recommendation, an SOP is a mandatory document that needs to be submitted as a part of the application to foreign universities. SOP writing is not a cakewalk but GyanDhan can make it a tad bit easier for you with our SOP editing services. Once you submit your SOP to us, we get it reviewed by our best SOP editors who send the SOP back to you with the necessary suggestions for improvement. You are free to include these suggestions in your  SOP as well as make further comments and edits and send it back to our reviewers.


Read more about: How to Write a Killer Statement of Purpose ?


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