Cambrian College, Sudbury Ranking

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

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Cambrian College, Sudbury Rankings


Is Cambrian a good College?
Cambrian provides all of the needs of the students, whether they be looking for a student organization to join or consulting a healthcare provider. Over 4100 students are enrolled in 80 full-time programs, and over 7000 are enrolled in approximately 900 part-time programs at its campuses.
Can I apply to Cambrian College without IELTS?
No, for English entrance criteria, Cambrian College accepts the TOEFL, IELTS, or comparable tests. The College retains the right to interview candidates to determine if they have the necessary communication skills to succeed at the post-secondary level.
How many days does it take to get an offer letter from Cambrian College?
All candidates for open enrollment programs at Cambrian College will start to receive admissions offers on February 1. Offers of admission will be made to candidates for programs with a limited enrollment no later than March 31. A single admission offer may be accepted by each applicant.
Does Cambrian College provide work permit?
You must have a co-op work permit before you begin your work if it is a necessary component of your course of study. You can work for any authorized co-op work period permitted by your academic program thanks to your co-op work permit, which lists Cambrian College as the employer.
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