The University of Melbourne Courses

Parkville, Victoria, Australia

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Biomedical Engineering 

This department explores the themes of Biomaterials and tissue engineering, Biomechanics and mechanobiology, Bionics, biomedical imaging and neuroengineering, Systems and synthetic biology. Their courses aim to find solutions which can have a positive social and economic impact. 

  • list items Undergraduate Courses Offered
  • list items
    Bachelor of Biomedicine
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science
  • list items Postgraduate Level
  • list items
    Master of Engineering (Biomedical) - This is a 3-year long course, which has 100 credit points per year. If you have credits for foundation engineering subjects from your bachelor’s degree, you can start directly from the second year. The course focuses more on human systems and new medical treatments, instruments and machines from the second year onwards.
  • list items
    Master of Engineering (Biomedical with Business) - This course combines engineering expertise with business skills in economics, marketing and finance helping the students to be more competent in the industry. This is also a 3-year course with 100 credit points per year.
  • list items Area of Research Degrees 
  • list items
    Master of Philosophy (Engineering)
  • list items
    Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)
  • list items Lab - NeuroEngineering Lab; Biomechanics Laboratory; Cell and Tissue Biomechanics Laboratory; Movement Laboratory:  Joint facility at the Royal Park Campus, Royal Melbourne Hospital.
  • list items Faculty - Their faculty has a strength of 14 experienced teachers. 
  • list items Industry Collaboration - The department makes sure that its research and teaching programs are relevant to the present industry needs. It collaborates with companies like Bionic Enterprises, CSIRO, Synchron, etc. 
  • list items Research - Biomedical Engineering focuses its research in medical technologies, health informatics and healthcare delivery. One of the most notable achievements of the department is that the researchers have exhibited the possibility of replacing open brain surgery with a tiny device. 

Chemical Engineering 

This department focuses on the themes of Materials Development, Separations Technology, Surface Chemistry and Rheology, and Bioengineering.

  • list items Undergraduate Courses Offered
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science (Chemical Systems Major)
  • list items Postgraduate Level Master of Engineering (Biochemical, Chemical, Materials, or Chemical with Business) - This is a 3-year full-time course, with 100 credit points per year. If you have a major in Chemical Systems Major, you can start with a degree from the second year right away. The completion of the course requires taking up an industry, design or research project. 
  • list items
    Master of Engineering (Biochemical, Chemical, Materials, or Chemical with Business) - This is a 3-year full-time course, with 100 credit points per year. If you have a major in Chemical Systems Major, you can start with a degree from the second year right away. The completion of the course requires taking up an industry, design or research project.  Biomedical focuses on designing new bioproducts and bioprocesses. Students learn about its applications in food and beverage engineering, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, and environmental remediation. Chemical concentrates more on the design and implementation of industrial-scale processes for converting raw waste materials into useful products. It has its application in diverse sectors from fuel to pharmaceuticals. Materials include processing-structure-property relationships of a range of materials like polymers, ceramics, electronics and composites. In chemical with business, students take up an extra five business-related subjects - engineering management, contracts and procurement, economic analysis, strategy execution and marketing. 
  • list items
    Biomedical focuses on designing new bioproducts and bioprocesses. Students learn about its applications in food and beverage engineering, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, and environmental remediation.
  • list items
    Chemical concentrates more on the design and implementation of industrial-scale processes for converting raw waste materials into useful products. It has its application in diverse sectors from fuel to pharmaceuticals.
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    Materials include processing-structure-property relationships of a range of materials like polymers, ceramics, electronics and composites.
  • list items
    In chemical with business, students take up an extra five business-related subjects - engineering management, contracts and procurement, economic analysis, strategy execution and marketing. 
  • list items
    Master of Philosophy (Chemical Engineering) - This 2-year long course requires students to complete a 30,000-40,000 word thesis and 2-4 coursework subjects.
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    Doctor of Philosophy (Chemical Engineering) - This is a 4-year long course and involves the completion of an 80,000-10,000 word thesis.
  • list items
    Biomedical focuses on designing new bioproducts and bioprocesses. Students learn about its applications in food and beverage engineering, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, and environmental remediation.
  • list items
    Chemical concentrates more on the design and implementation of industrial-scale processes for converting raw waste materials into useful products. It has its application in diverse sectors from fuel to pharmaceuticals.
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    Materials include processing-structure-property relationships of a range of materials like polymers, ceramics, electronics and composites.
  • list items
    In chemical with business, students take up an extra five business-related subjects - engineering management, contracts and procurement, economic analysis, strategy execution and marketing. 

Labs and Groups :

  • list items Aerosol Particle Technology
  • list items  Dagastine Research Group
  • list items  Nanostructured Interfaces and Materials Science Group
  • list items Algal Processing group
  • list items  Dairy Innovation Hub
  • list items  Polymer Science Group
  • list items  Ceramics and Minerals processing group
  • list items  Gras research group
  • list items  Webley Group
  • list items  Complex Fluid Group
  • list items  Multiphysics Fluid Dynamics

Faculty - They have 22 acclaimed faculty members involved in teaching and learning. 

  • list items Industry Collaboration - The department has a strong Industry advisory group and industry links to make sure their research programs are relevant to the current needs. They have built ties with companies like Thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (Australia), bioCSL, etc. 

Research -

Important research areas under this department include:

  • list items Bioprocessing and food engineering
  • list items Nanomedicine and biotechnology
  • list items Materials design and multiscale modelling
  • list items Sustainable technologies
  • list items Processing and remediation. 

The department’s present research project is to produce constable plastics to help the worsening problem of plastics in the world. 


Electrical Engineering

This department is focused on power systems, computation networks, electronic devices and materials, and systems engineering. 

  • list items Undergraduate Courses Offered
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science (Electrical Systems Major) 
  • list items Postgraduate Level
  • list items
    Master of Engineering (Electrical or Electrical with Business) - This course is a 3-year full-time course, with 100 credits per year. It requires a major in Electrical Systems to let you start directly with the second year. An industry, design or research project is also a part of this course. Second-year onwards, you start learning about electronics, control, signal processing, communications and power systems if you are specializing in Electrical. In case you are taking up Electrical with business, you will have to study five other business-related subjects - engineering management, contracts and procurement, economic analysis, strategy execution, and marketing management.
  • list items Graduate Research Programs 
  • list items
    Master of Philosophy (Engineering)
  • list items
    Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering)
  • list items Faculty - The department consists of 33 highly skilled faculty members. 
  • list items Industry Collaboration - The department makes sure that it keeps industry links so that their teaching and research programs are more effective. They have an industry advisory group with chairmen and founders from companies like Pearcey Foundation, Daintree Networks, etc. 

Research - The key areas of research are: 

  • list items Communication and Networks
  • list items Control and signal processing
  • list items Electronic and photonic systems 
  • list items Power and Energy Systems.

Their new project is aimed at improving life for people with mobility impairment.


Infrastructure Engineering

This discipline deals with Infrastructure that is effective in terms of the environment as well as the economy.

  • list items Undergraduate Courses Offered - Bachelor of Design (Civil Systems); Bachelor of Science (Civil Systems); Bachelor of Science ( Environmental Engineering Systems); Bachelor of Design (Spatial Systems); Bachelor of Science (Spatial Systems)
  • list items Postgraduate Level Master of Engineering - This 3-year full-time course has 100 credit points per year. It also needs you to complete a project.
  • list items
    Master of Engineering - This 3-year full-time course has 100 credit points per year. It also needs you to complete a project. Specializations Include Civil - You require a major in the civil system to start from the second year right away. The course involves learning about structural, geotechnical, hydraulic and transportation engineering and their applications in the fields of ports and harbour, energy, sustainability and project management.  Civil with business - It includes all the civil subjects along with the following five business subjects - engineering management, contracts and procurement, economic analysis, strategy execution, and marketing. Spatial - It focuses on subjects like mapping and visualisation, geographic information systems (GIS), 3D computer visualisations, surveying and satellites and image processing.
  • list items
    Specializations Include Civil - You require a major in the civil system to start from the second year right away. The course involves learning about structural, geotechnical, hydraulic and transportation engineering and their applications in the fields of ports and harbour, energy, sustainability and project management.  Civil with business - It includes all the civil subjects along with the following five business subjects - engineering management, contracts and procurement, economic analysis, strategy execution, and marketing. Spatial - It focuses on subjects like mapping and visualisation, geographic information systems (GIS), 3D computer visualisations, surveying and satellites and image processing.
  • list items
    Civil - You require a major in the civil system to start from the second year right away. The course involves learning about structural, geotechnical, hydraulic and transportation engineering and their applications in the fields of ports and harbour, energy, sustainability and project management. 
  • list items
    Civil with business - It includes all the civil subjects along with the following five business subjects - engineering management, contracts and procurement, economic analysis, strategy execution, and marketing.
  • list items
    Spatial - It focuses on subjects like mapping and visualisation, geographic information systems (GIS), 3D computer visualisations, surveying and satellites and image processing.
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    Master of Environmental Engineering - This is a year-long course which requires you to complete a total of 100 points. The four core subjects under this course are environmental modelling, sustainable infrastructure and monitoring environmental impacts and environmental analysis tools.
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    Master of Energy systems - This 18-month full-time course also has 150 points. The core subjects include Introduction to Energy Systems, Analysing Energy Systems, Electrical Power Systems, Financial Management, Non-renewable Energy, Renewable Energy, Managerial Economics, and Energy Supply and Value chains.
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    Master of Information Technology - The course duration is for 2 years full time and has 200 credit points. There are four core subjects: Programming and Software Development, Algorithms and Complexity, Internet Technologies and  Database Systems & Information Modelling.
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    Master of Engineering Management - This course is a one-year full-time course. Students have to take up Engineering Management Capstone and Strategic Management along with two subjects from change management specialisation and one subject from project management specialisation. 
  • list items
    Specializations Include Civil - You require a major in the civil system to start from the second year right away. The course involves learning about structural, geotechnical, hydraulic and transportation engineering and their applications in the fields of ports and harbour, energy, sustainability and project management.  Civil with business - It includes all the civil subjects along with the following five business subjects - engineering management, contracts and procurement, economic analysis, strategy execution, and marketing. Spatial - It focuses on subjects like mapping and visualisation, geographic information systems (GIS), 3D computer visualisations, surveying and satellites and image processing.
  • list items
    Civil - You require a major in the civil system to start from the second year right away. The course involves learning about structural, geotechnical, hydraulic and transportation engineering and their applications in the fields of ports and harbour, energy, sustainability and project management. 
  • list items
    Civil with business - It includes all the civil subjects along with the following five business subjects - engineering management, contracts and procurement, economic analysis, strategy execution, and marketing.
  • list items
    Spatial - It focuses on subjects like mapping and visualisation, geographic information systems (GIS), 3D computer visualisations, surveying and satellites and image processing.
  • list items
    Civil - You require a major in the civil system to start from the second year right away. The course involves learning about structural, geotechnical, hydraulic and transportation engineering and their applications in the fields of ports and harbour, energy, sustainability and project management. 
  • list items
    Civil with business - It includes all the civil subjects along with the following five business subjects - engineering management, contracts and procurement, economic analysis, strategy execution, and marketing.
  • list items
    Spatial - It focuses on subjects like mapping and visualisation, geographic information systems (GIS), 3D computer visualisations, surveying and satellites and image processing.

Mechanical Engineering

The Mechanical Engineering department has been ranked the 44th best in the world, and 1st in Australia in the QS World University Subject Rankings for Engineering 2017 for Mechanical, Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering. The department is involved in applying human and material resources to design, concentration and operation and maintenance of machines. 

  • list items Undergraduate Courses Offered - Bachelor of Design (Mechanical Systems Major); Bachelor of Science (Mechanical Systems Major); Computing & Software Systems Major; Electrical Systems Major; Mechanical Systems Major; Mechatronic Systems Major
  • list items Postgraduate Level 
  • list items
    Major of Engineering (Mechanical, Mechanical with Aerospace, Mechanical with Business, Mechatronix) - This 3-year full-time course has 100 credit points per year. It also needs you to complete a project. You have to have a major in Mechanics Systems to start directly from the second year.  Mechanical involves learning about turning energy into power and motion, and designing, constructing and operating devices and systems. The main focus areas of this course are fluid mechanics, turbulence and biomechanics.  In mechanical with aerospace, the course focuses on mechanical engineering in the second year and has five aerospace related subjects in the third year.  In mechanical with business, you will have to study 5 subjects related to business.  Mechatronix is a blend of mechanical, electrical and software engineering aimed at developing automation and advanced manufacturing technologies and requires you complete mechatronix major to get to the second year right away.  
  • list items
    Mechanical involves learning about turning energy into power and motion, and designing, constructing and operating devices and systems. The main focus areas of this course are fluid mechanics, turbulence and biomechanics. 
  • list items
    In mechanical with aerospace, the course focuses on mechanical engineering in the second year and has five aerospace related subjects in the third year. 
  • list items
    In mechanical with business, you will have to study 5 subjects related to business. 
  • list items
    Mechatronix is a blend of mechanical, electrical and software engineering aimed at developing automation and advanced manufacturing technologies and requires you complete mechatronix major to get to the second year right away.  
  • list items
    Mechanical involves learning about turning energy into power and motion, and designing, constructing and operating devices and systems. The main focus areas of this course are fluid mechanics, turbulence and biomechanics. 
  • list items
    In mechanical with aerospace, the course focuses on mechanical engineering in the second year and has five aerospace related subjects in the third year. 
  • list items
    In mechanical with business, you will have to study 5 subjects related to business. 
  • list items
    Mechatronix is a blend of mechanical, electrical and software engineering aimed at developing automation and advanced manufacturing technologies and requires you complete mechatronix major to get to the second year right away.  

Pure Sciences 

1. School of Physics

The School of Physics is associated with many leading research groups in the world. Their programs in astrophysics, theoretical particle and experimental particle physics are aimed at solving the various questions related to evolution, origin and the universe that haunts the world at the present age. 

  • list items Undergraduate Courses Offered -  Bachelor of Science(Honours); Bachelor of Science Major in Physics; Bachelor of Science (Extended)
  • list items Postgraduate Level
  • list items
    Master of Science (Physics) - This is a 2-year full-time course that requires completion of 200 credit points. You can choose your area of research areas from the following - astrophysics, theoretical particle physics and experimental particle physics. You also have to choose a professional skill subject out of modelling, working with data, ethics, business tools, and communication. 
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    Master of Philosophy (Science) - This is also a 2-year full-time course. You’re supposed to take up a research project, and finally form a thesis based on that. The normal length of the thesis is around 30,000-40,000 words. 
  • list items
    Doctor of Philosophy (Science) - This is a 4-year full-time course. Here too, you are supposed to take a project and formulate a thesis. The length of the thesis is supposed to be around 80,000 words. 
  • list items Faculty - They have numerous experienced Teaching staff, Research staff, Research fellows and teaching support staff. 
  • list items Research - The main areas of research under this school are complex systems, Atomic, molecular and optical Physics, Condensed matter physics, Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Experimental Particle Physics, Extragalactic astrophysics, High Energy Astrophysics, Large Scale facility Physics, Nanoscience, Physical Bioscience, Quantum Information, Theoretical Particle Physics. The School of Physics has six research groups - Astrophysics, Experimental Particle Physics, Experimental Condensed Matter Physics, Optical Physics, Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics, Theoretical Particle Physics.

2. School of Chemistry

The school is famous for its contribution to research. An ongoing program makes sure that the laboratories are properly upgraded to match the current world standards. 

  • list items Undergraduate Courses Offered
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science (Honours)
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science major in Chemistry
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science major in Chemical Systems
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science (Extended) 
  • list items Postgraduate Level
  • list items
    Master of Science (Chemistry) - This is a 2-year full-time course that requires a completion of 200 credit points. Second-year onwards, you will focus on your research project. The core subjects under this department are Advanced Mass Spectroscopy, Synchrotron and NMR Structural Techniques. 
  • list items
    Master of Industrial Research (Chemistry)  - This is also a 2-year full-time course. It is a combination of the industry-based research project (150 credit points) and coursework core and elective subjects (50 credit points). 
  • list items
    Other than these, they also offer Master in Philosophy (Science) and Doctor of Philosophy (Science). 
  • list items Faculty - The school houses 26 exceptional continuing teaching & research staff and over 40 research only and 20 professional staff.
  • list items Research - The main areas of research are Advanced Materials and Nanoscience, Analytical and Environmental Chemistry, Biological and Medicinal Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Molecular design and synthesis, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry, Spectroscopy and Molecular Characterisation. The school also actively participates in Bio21, a prominent biotechnology initiative in Victoria. 

3. School of Biosciences 

  • list items Undergraduate Courses Offered
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science (Honours)
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science major in computational Biology
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    Bachelor of Science major in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
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    Bachelor of Science major in Biotechnology
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science major in Marine Biology
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science major in Plant Science
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science major in Zoology
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science major in Genetics
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science major in Environmental Science
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science (Extended)
  • list items Postgraduate Level Master of Science ( Bioinformatics, BioSciences or Epidemiology) - This is a -year full-time course with a total of 200 points. Your first-year subjects will depend on your previous major, and your second-year subjects will help you learn about advanced analysis techniques. You will have a research project, a subject on communication for research scientists and elective subjects. 
  • list items
    Master of Science ( Bioinformatics, BioSciences or Epidemiology) - This is a -year full-time course with a total of 200 points. Your first-year subjects will depend on your previous major, and your second-year subjects will help you learn about advanced analysis techniques. You will have a research project, a subject on communication for research scientists and elective subjects.  Under Biosciences, you can focus your research in any of their bioscience disciplines - ecology, evolution, environmental science, genetics, genomics, development, plant science. Epidemiology is a mixture of numbers and other data along with a focus on clinical research and practice. 
  • list items
    Under Biosciences, you can focus your research in any of their bioscience disciplines - ecology, evolution, environmental science, genetics, genomics, development, plant science.
  • list items
    Epidemiology is a mixture of numbers and other data along with a focus on clinical research and practice. 
  • list items
    Under Biosciences, you can focus your research in any of their bioscience disciplines - ecology, evolution, environmental science, genetics, genomics, development, plant science.
  • list items
    Epidemiology is a mixture of numbers and other data along with a focus on clinical research and practice. 
  • list items Faculty - The department has a huge number of very passionate and helpful academic staff. 
  • list items Research - The School of Biosciences collaborates with a lot of renowned research centres like Cooperative Research Centre program which is directly under the Australian Government. In addition to that, it also collaborates with  Australian Research Council (ARC) Centres of Excellence, Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis (CEBRA), ARC Centre of Excellence for Environmental Decisions (CEED), Melbourne Integrative Genomics, etc. 

4. School of Mathematics and Statistics

This school involves pure and applied mathematics and statistics. It is one of Australia’s most acclaimed mathematics and statistics schools. 

  • list items Undergraduate Courses Offered
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Statistics)
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science (Computational Biology) 
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science (Data Science) 
  • list items
    Bachelor of Science (Mathematical Physics) 
  • list items Postgraduate Level
  • list items
    Master of Science (Mathematics and Statistics) - You can specialize in either of the four topics - Pure Mathematics, Applied mathematics and mathematical physics, Discrete mathematics and operations research, Stochastic processes. There will also be a subject on Systems modelling and simulation. It is a two-year full-time course with 200 credit points. 
  • list items
    Master of Computational Biology - The course is 3-year long (full-time), and requires the completion of 300 credit points. This course is a combination of biology, mathematics and computer science. It helps students to enhance their skills in bioinformatics, systems biology, and biological and ecological modelling.
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    Master of Data Science - This is a 2-year full-time course with 200 credit points. Data Science has been labelled as the “sexiest job of the 21st century”. This course helps you to build technological skills to handle large collections of complex data. You have a wide range of professional skill electives to choose from. You are also free to take up  a research project in order to strengthen your skills.  
  • list items
    Other than these, Master of Science (Bioinformatics), Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy in science are also offered. 
  • list items Faculty - The department has around 121 experienced and skillful faculty members.
  • list items Research - The research is focused on Algebra, Continuum Modelling, Discrete Mathematics, Geometry and Topology, Operations Research, Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Physics, Stochastic Processes. They are partners with Melbourne Integrative Genomics and they are leading the ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers (ACEMS). 

5. Business School 

The degrees offered are: 

  • list items Master of Management 
  • list items Master of Management (Accounting) 
  • list items Master of Management (Accounting and Finance) 
  • list items Master of Management (Finance) 
  • list items Master of Management (Human Resources) 
  • list items Master of Management (Marketing) 
  • list items Master of International Business
  • list items Master of Business Administration (full time) 
  • list items Executive Master of Business Administration
  • list items Senior Executive Master of Business Administration
  • list items Master of Analytics Management
  • list items Master of Applied Econometrics 
  • list items Master of Actuarial Science 
  • list items Master of Business Analytics 
  • list items Master of Commerce (Actuarial Science) 
  • list items Master of Economics
  • list items Master of Enterprise
  • list items Master of Entrepreneurship 
  • list items Master of Finance
  • list items Master of Finance (Enhanced) 
  • list items Master of Marketing
  • list items Master of Marketing Communications
  • list items Master of Public Administration
  • list items Master of Supply Chain Management
  • list items Doctoral Program in Accounting
  • list items Doctoral Program in Decision, Risk and Financial sciences
  • list items Doctoral Program in Economics
  • list items Doctoral Program in Finance
  • list items Doctoral Program in Management
  • list items Doctoral Program in Marketing 
  • list items Doctoral Program in Actuarial Studies 

Other Department 

1. Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning

The disciplines under this department are Architecture, Construction, Landscape Architecture, Property, Urban and Cultural Heritage, Urban Design and Urban Planning. The department also boasts about its cultural diversity being one of its strengths. It also has a lot of research hubs like the Australian Centre for Architectural History, Urban and Cultural Heritage, Thrive Research Hubs, Transport, Health and Urban design research hubs, etc. 

2. Faculty of Arts

The Faculty of Arts houses Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Asia Institute, School of Culture and Communication, School of historical and philosophical studies, School of Languages and Linguistics, School of Social and Political Sciences. With around 340 academic staff members, the Faculty of Arts has been ranked 1st of its kind in Australia. The department also has more than 20 research centres, two ARC centres of excellence, and a new digital studio.   

3. Faculty of Fine Arts and Music

The faculty deals with the composition, conducting, dance, design, production, ethnomusicology, film and television, interactive composition, jazz and improvisation, musicology, music performance, music psychology, music theatre, music therapy, theatre and visual arts.

The courses help the students to gain deeper knowledge and understanding in Arts. 

4. Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences

This department has been operating for the past 150 years and has contributed actively towards the health and well-being of the society. The main research areas under this department are Cancer, Child Health, Infection and immunology, and Neuroscience. 

5. Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences

If you are passionate about Veterinary, Agriculture and food sciences, this department has a range of courses to offer. Their research is also world-class covering areas of food production and security, animal health and welfare, veterinary public health and zoonoses, rural resilience and agricultural economics and climate change, water and land management.

6. Melbourne Graduate School of Education

The school has internationally recognized experts as faculty members. It has eight research centres and five research hubs and has received the highest possible ranking for all research categories. The department maintains close links with schools under the government, catholic and independent sectors, and thus can successfully run its program, Master of Teaching.

7. Melbourne Law School

It has been ranked the first in Australia and sixth in the world by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings by Subject, 2019. Many graduates of this school are now placed internationally. The department is also very active in research and is a part of 20 research institutes. 

Is it hard to get into the University of Melbourne?
The University of Melbourne has a 70-80% acceptance rate. The university is a selective institution and occupies a unique place in the Australian educational landscape because to its high acceptance rate. The entrance requirements for admission can change depending on the level of zeal and competition among students.
Is University of Melbourne costly?
Many Indian students are accepted at the institution, making it one of their top choices when seeking for overseas schools. Additionally, it is renowned for its cutting-edge research in a variety of fields and provides a wide range of scholarships to its Indian students. Its average cost of living is approx. $55,000
Is University of Melbourne a good University?
It is the second-oldest university in all of Australia and the oldest in Melbourne. It is one of the top universities in the world, according to Times Higher Education, which placed it in position 33. The university also has the fifth position for education in the 2015 QS World University Subject Rankings.
What is University of Melbourne famous for?
A vibrant student body of 65,000, including 30,000 international students from more than 130 nations, is supported by more than 8,000 academic and professional staff members. The University of Melbourne, which is located in the city known as Australia's "culture capital," has produced five governors-general and four prime ministers of Australia.
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