University of Houston Courses

Houston, Texas, United States

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The Cullen College of Engineering under the University of Houston provides graduate education in aerospace engineering to those students who are interested in acquiring knowledge and conducting research in this field. It is an interdisciplinary program taught by the faculty of Mechanical Engineering along with assistance from other colleges and departments.

It offers an M.S degree with a thesis or nonthesis options.

There are three major areas of research:

  • list items Aerodynamics and Heat Transfer
  • list items Structural Mechanics and Materials
  • list items Controls and Automation.

The ones working on the thesis course need to complete  21 semester hours of coursework and 9 semester hours of thesis work. Students opting for the non-thesis work should do 18 hours of coursework and 12 hours of coursework from the 3 major areas or from the graduate elective courses.

List of Labs:

  • list items Institute for Space Systems Operations
  • list items Tex.Ctr for Superconductivity & Advanced Materials
  • list items Space Vacuum Epitaxy Center


The College of Technology under the University of Houston provides a Bachelor of Science degree in biotechnology. A sample degree plan pdf is available on the official website.



The Cullen College of Engineering under the University of Houston provides a BS degree in chemical engineering at the undergraduate level and MchE, MS, and Ph.D. degrees at the graduate level. The MchE degree is a non thesis program with 30 credit hours of required and elective courses (10 courses) to be completed by the students.

The MS program is offered as a full-time or part-time course and focuses on advanced Chemical Engineering fundamentals. This program is provided only to students with a BS degree in chemical engineering or equivalent. The full-time program requires 30 semester hours of coursework consisting of 5 core courses and 5 elective courses. The part-time program also requires 30 semester hours of course work in 5 core and 5 elective courses.

However, the part-time MS program has entrance requirements. The Ph.D. program focuses mainly on individual research. Candidates must complete 30 credit hours of coursework including 4 or 5 (in some cases) core courses and 2 semi core courses. Of the remaining four elective courses, two must be Chemical Engineering graduate courses. Semi core courses can also be used as electives. A research project and a doctoral dissertation must be completed providing additional credit hours towards the doctoral degree. 

Areas of Expertise: 

  • list items Reservoir simulation
  • list items Geomechanics
  • list items Well performance
  • list items Electronic materials processing
  • list items Hydraulic fracturing
  • list items Polymers
  • list items Surfactant Enhanced Oil Recovery
  • list items Reservoir simulation, including fractured reservoirs
  • list items Rock properties
  • list items Reaction engineering 

Civil  and Environmental Engineering 

The Cullen College of Engineering under the University of Houston provides undergraduate and graduate degrees in both Civil and Environmental Engineering. The Civil Graduate Program provides M.S.C.E and Ph.D. degrees to students. The M.S.C.E degree offers both thesis and non-thesis options. The thesis option requires at least 21 credit hours in addition to the thesis written. The nonthesis option requires at least 31 credit hours, 10 courses (3 hours each)  and a seminar of one hour.

The Ph.D. program in civil engineering requires students to have completed at least 24 credit hours of approved graduate study and 30 credit hours of research and dissertation. The Environmental Engineering program offers the degrees of Master of Science (M.S) with thesis and nonthesis options and Ph.D.

The emphasis of study and research is placed on municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment, hazardous waste management, water reuse, and groundwater restoration with elective courses in the fields of air pollution modeling, measurement and control, engineering management, business, and public policy, environmental law, water resources engineering, etc.

Courses are scheduled in a manner that can accommodate both part-time and full-time students. Students can complete 24-30 hours of coursework in one year of full-time or in three years of part-time study. Full-time thesis students can complete the master’s degree in 2 years and a Ph.D. in 3-4 years. 

Areas of Expertise:

  • list items materials engineering
  • list items environmental engineering
  • list items geotechnical engineering
  • list items fluid-structure interaction
  • list items structural engineering

List of Labs:

  • list items Center for Innovative Grouting Materials and Technology
  • list items National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping
  • list items Environmental Institute of Texas

Computer Science 

The Department of Computer science under the University of Houston was established in 1967 and is considered to be one of the first departments established in the country. It provides a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer science at the undergraduate level and Master of Science and Ph.D. degrees at the graduate level.

The department also offers Post-Baccalaureate (PB) and Accelerated BS/MS Programs. It enrolls an estimated 300 graduates including about 100 Ph.D. students each year.

The core research areas include:

  • list items artificial intelligence
  • list items computing and software systems,
  • list items computational and data sciences
  • list items cyber-physical systems
  • list items computing education
  • list items security
  • list items theory and algorithms
  • list items visual computing.

The MS program has both thesis and non-thesis options. The thesis course is research-based which prepares the students to continue into a Ph.D. program.

The areas of specialization include core computer sciences, data analytics, parallel and distributed systems, or interactive media. In the Ph.D. course, a student must complete a minimum of 66 credit hours including 24 hours of Doctoral Research, at least 30 credit hours of approved, regular or special topics courses and 3-12 hours of dissertation.

List of Labs: Texas Learning/Computation Center


Electrical and Computer 

The Cullen College of Engineering under the University of Houston provides a BSEE degree in electrical engineering at the undergraduate level and MSEE and Ph.D. degrees at the graduate level. The MSEE degree has thesis and non-thesis options. For the thesis program, students need to complete 30 semester credit hours of graduate study which includes 18 hours of coursework and 12 hours of a research study. For the non-thesis course, students need to complete 30 semester hours.

A maximum of two courses taken from core courses and elective courses can be replaced by an approved project. The Ph.D. course from MS to Ph.D. degree plan requires at least 54 semester hours of graduate credit which includes 15 hours of coursework, 27 hours of research, and 12 hours of dissertation. The department also offers an interdisciplinary master's program, Master of Computer and Systems Engineering (MSCSE).

List of Labs:

  • list items microelectronics/optoelectronics
  • list items computer architecture
  • list items telecommunications
  • list items electromagnetics
  • list items controls

Industrial Engineering 

The Cullen College of Engineering under the University of Houston provides a BIE degree in electrical engineering at the undergraduate level and MIE and Ph.D. degrees at the graduate level. The MIE program requires completion of 30 semester hours of the graduate course and a mandatory graduate seminar course (INDE6111). Other Master programs offered are Master’s in Engineering Management (MEMGMT), Master of Science in Industrial Engineering (MSIE), MIE/MBA Concurrent Degree.

For the Ph.D. course, the students are required to take 84 hours of approved graduate courses beyond the Bachelor's degree which includes 54 semester hours of approved graduate courses, 12 hours of doctoral research, and 18 hours of dissertation.

The major research areas include:

  • list items Operations Research
  • list items Engineering Management
  • list items Manufacturing and Production System
  • list items Distribution and Logistics
  • list items Ergonomics/ Occupational Safety/ Human Factors Engineering.

List of Labs: Center for the Reliability of Ceramics



The Cullen College of Engineering under the University of Houston provides a BSME degree in mechanical engineering at the undergraduate level and MS, MME and Ph.D. degrees at the graduate level. The bachelor course is of 4 years (128 semester hours) and is a non-thesis program. The MS program has a thesis and non-thesis options.

The MME degree is a non-thesis 10-course graduate curriculum that is designed as a professional degree. The Ph.D. course requires the completion of a thesis and a dissertation. The major research areas include Controls, Materials, Mechanics and Thermo Fluids.

List of Labs:

  • list items applied mechanics
  • list items fluid dynamics and heat transfer
  • list items spacecraft structural dynamics
  • list items mechanical design
  • list items materials engineering
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