Check Loan Eligibility
Jain Jagruti Education Loan for Students
Education Loan

Jain Jagruti Education Loan: Features, Eligibility, And More

Jain Jagruti Education Loan: Features, Eligibility, And More

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Read GyanDhan’s blogs on Jain Jagruti education loan eligibility criteria, application process, and requirements. Secure your financial support for higher education today!

Rohit Gidwani
Updated on:  21 Oct 2023  | Reviewed By:  Aman  | 4.46K | 11  min read


Studying abroad not only provides access to quality higher education but also expands career prospects. According to data from the Ministry of External Affairs, in 2022, over 1,300,000 students pursued education abroad. To foster this spirit of higher education among the Jain community, the Jain Jagruti Centre has initiated various programs, including the Jain Jagruti Education Loan. This initiative aims to assist students in financing their higher education with minimal or zero interest rates. Let's explore more aspects of the Jain Jagruti education loan. 


Overview of Jain Jagruti education loan

Below is a table that provides an overview of the Jain Jagruti education loan scheme.

Loan Aspect Description

Loan Amount

This may vary depending on the discussion with the centre. 

Interest Rate

Decided by centre - either no interest or very little interest


Not required


Eligibility criteria for Jain Jagruti education loan

To be eligible for a Jain Jagruti education loan, students must satisfy the following criteria:

  • list items The student must be enrolled in a bachelor's or master's program at a recognized international university.
  • list items Must have an excellent academic record in the past.
  • list items Family income is low or may belong to economically weaker sections of society and are not able to financially back higher education abroad.
  • list items The course must be inclined toward professional development and must have a good career prospect.


Check loan eligibility for study abroad


Jain Jagruti student loan application requirements

Here are some of the requirements that you should consider before applying for Jain Jagruti education loan. This is required so that your process can be made seamless. 

  1. list items
    The portal will request the student's permanent email ID for registration. Once registered with this email, the application will be linked to it and cannot be changed.
  2. list items
    In addition to the application details, essential documents like Aadhar Card and PAN Card should be prepared.
  3. list items
    All required documents must be uploaded with the application.
  4. list items
    This application form is for students pursuing higher education in both India and the USA.
  5. list items
    After submitting the application, the application form report should be printed and sent along with the necessary documents to the address (Jain Jagruti Centre Central Board Charitable Trust 201, Matharu Arcade, Above Axis Bank, Subhash Rd, Vile Parle (East), Mumbai - 400 057).


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Application process for Jain Jagruti education loan

The application process for the Jain Jagruti education loan is quite simple. All you need to do is follow all the steps mentioned below - 

  1. list items
    Visit the official Jain Jagruti education loan website.
  2. list items
    Locate the application form section and download the loan application form.
  3. list items
    Complete the application form accurately, providing all necessary personal, educational, and financial details.
  4. list items
    Attach the required documents, such as proof of identity, address, academic records, and income, to the application.
  5. list items
    Thoroughly review all filled information to ensure accuracy and currency.
  6. list items
    Submit the completed application form and supporting documents to the specified address on the website.
  7. list items
    Wait for loan approval, understanding that processing may take some time.
  8. list items
    If your loan is approved, you will receive a loan agreement; carefully review its terms and conditions.
  9. list items
    Sign the loan agreement and submit it to Jain Jagruti education loan authorities.
  10. list items
    After the agreement is accepted, the loan amount will be disbursed to your bank account.

Jain Jagruti application form sample

Here is how the application form for Jain Jagruti looks like.
Jain Jagruti Application Form


Jain Jagruti education loan document requirements

Students choosing Jain Jagruti education loan to financially back their abroad education journey will require the following documents.

1.  Application form: An application form along with your photograph and signature.
2.  Documents of the applicant and Co-borrower or the guarantor
3.  Proof of identity:
          a. PAN card or Aadhar card
          b. Passport if you are applying for abroad education
4.  Residence proof:
          a. Voter’s ID card
          b. Passport
          c. Bank account statement
          d. Electricity or telephone bill

Note: You will have to arrange two residency proofs if your current and permanent addresses are different.

1.  Co- applicant’s documents (6 months bank account statement)
          a. Provide salary credits if salaried
          b. Show business transactions if self-employed
2.  Academic documents of the applicant
          a. 10th, 12th, and degree mark sheet if looking for education in masters
          b. Breakdown of the fees
          c. Admit proof
          d. Entrance exams scorecard
3.  Co-applicant income documents (if salaried)
          a. Last 3 months payslips
          b. Form 16 for 2 consecutive years
          c. ID card of the employer
          d. ITR of the last 2 years
4.  If self-employed
          a. Last 3 years ITR
          b. A balance sheet with profit and loss account for the last 3 years
          c. Address proof of the business

Jain Jagruti education loan is a great scheme for individuals who want to study abroad but are not financially strong enough to do so. This can help several individuals to pursue their dreams and fulfill their professional goals. The loan amount, interest rates, and all the other aspects are variable in nature i.e. depend on the application form and the discussion with Jain Jagruti Center. GyanDhan is yet another organization that can help you with an education loan to pursue your study abroad dream. All you have to do is check your loan eligibility



Jain Jagruti Education Loan Contact Number And Other Details:


Jain Jagruti Centre Central Board Charitable Trust 201, Matharu Arcade, Above Axis Bank, Subhash Rd, Vile Parle (East), Mumbai - 400 057

Contact Number:

+91-22-6695 6699



Other Education Loan Options for Higher Studies

There are other methods by which you can get your required educational loan for higher studies. You can read more about it here. We, at Gyandhan, will help you at every stage from application to approval for your education loan. Please feel free to connect with us.


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Frequently asked questions

Where can I find the application form for the Jain Jagruti education loan?

You can find the application form for the Jain Jagruti education loan from its official website by clicking here.

What is the purpose of the Jain Jagruti education loan?

Jain Jagruti Education Loan aims to financially assist students pursuing higher education in India or abroad by covering tuition fees, accommodation, books, travel, and more. It helps students achieve their academic goals without financial constraints.

How much loan amount can I get with the help of Jain Jagruti education loan?

The loan amount is not fixed as it depends on the application form filled and your requirements. This also depends on the target country and university. The loan amount may also vary based on the discussion with the Jain Jagruti Center. 

Do I need to make any repayments during the course?

The repayment depends on the discussion with the Jain Jagruti Center. During the application process, you will be given a chance to propose a repayment plan and then a discussion will be done based on this and finally, a repayment plan will be fixed.

Check Your Education Loan Eligibility


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