Amber Scholarship Opportunities for Students

Amber Scholar

Amber Scholar

On this Page:

“Money should never be a hurdle, it should empower you to achieve great things you are set to achieve in your life.” The idea of amber scholar scholarship began to blossom into reality with this vision in mind. We are committed to encourage and support students from different academic and socio-cultural backgrounds, & are looking to sponsor meritorious students like you so that your journey away from home becomes easier. So, if you are ready to launch your potential to the fullest! Apply for our financial aid scholarship now.


Scholarship details

Offered by: Amberstudent

Amount Granted: £10,000 (£ 5,000 + £3,000 + £ 2,000)

Type of scholarship: Merit and Need based

Level of program: Graduate and Postgraduate

Deadline: 31 August, 2024

International Students: Any Nationality

Official URL: Amber Scholar

Explore your funding options beyond scholarships -


Eligibility criteria

  • list items Students studying in the UK.
  • list items Students of Any nationality
  • list items Students enrolled to any University or Programme in the UK
  • Sprinkles

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    Application process

    To apply for this program, applicants must follow these steps:

    1. Visit the amber scholar website and click on ‘Apply now.’

    2. Fill out the application and submit their ‘Statement of Purpose’ for the scholarship in the form of video essays, screen-recorded presentations or any graphical means they prefer.

    3. Click on ‘Submit’ and wait for the results.

    Judgment Criteria

    Applicants are evaluated based on the excellence of their proposed ideas and their ability to communicate them effectively. A well-crafted Statement of Purpose is required to articulate why the applicant deserves the scholarship, offering them a life-changing prospect to fulfil their academic aspirations and reach their utmost potential.
    The following parameters will be used to judge the application:

  • list items Execution
  • list items Feasibility
  • list items Creativity & Visualisation
  • list items Presentation
  • list items Ideation
  • list items Communication
  • Sprinkles


    1. Application for the program starts: 1st May 2023
    2. Last date to submit the application: 15th June 2023
    3. Date to announce shortlisted candidates: 30th August 2023
    4. Date to announce the winners: To be announced
    Check Loan Eligibility