Global Korea Scholarship (GKS) Program

GKS Scholarship

GKS Scholarship

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The Global Korea Scholarship's primary goal is to provide international students with the opportunity to pursue academic degrees at higher education institutions in Korea, thereby encouraging greater international educational exchange and strengthening ties between Korea and the participating countries.

Offered by  Government Bodies 
Amount granted  Variable 
Type of scholarship Merit-based 
Level of program Undergraduate and associate degree 
Application deadline  15 January 2025 (tentative)
International students  Yes 
Official url  GKS Scholarship

What are the benefits of the GKS Scholarship?

There are a variety of benefits offered by the GKS scholarship program. 

The GKS Scholarship has the following advantages:

  • list items Settlement of Airfare: Economy class flight ticket (actual cost).
  • list items Compensation: INR 12,712.
  • list items Allowance per month: INR 57,206.
  • list items Korean Proficiency Grants: INR 6,356 per month.
  • list items Degree Completion Grants (UG Students): NIIED standard amount of INR 6,356.
  • list items Medical Protection: Language Training Fee: INR 63,400 set by NIIED, plus an additional amount set by the university if it exceeds 1 million.
  • list items Tuition Benefits: NIIED will pay up to INR 3.17 lakhs in tuition benefits, plus an additional amount if the tuition exceeds 5 million KRW.
  • Explore your funding options beyond scholarships -


    What is the eligibility criteria for the GKS Scholarship?

    Nationality - All applicants must be citizens of NIIED-designated countries that have been invited to participate in the GKS programme. 

  • list items Applicants' parents (or legal guardians) must be citizens of a country other than Korea. Applicants and their parents who previously held Korean citizenship must submit documentation issued by the Korean government proving their renunciation of Korean citizenship. 
  • list items If an applicant's citizenship changes during the selection process, he or she will be disqualified. (This does not apply to UIC applicants.)
  • Level of Education - A bachelor's degree programme is designed for applicants who have graduated (or are about to graduate) from high school or an associate degree programme.

    - The associate degree programme is designed for applicants who have graduated (or are about to graduate) from high school.

  • list items Applicants with a bachelor's degree are not eligible to apply. Applicants with an associate degree are only eligible to apply to bachelor's programmes.
  • list items Applicants who expect to graduate must submit a certificate of expected graduation along with their application. If they pass the first round of selection, such applicants must submit a graduation certificate (or a degree certificate) by December 31, 2023.
  • list items This opportunity is open to Japanese nationals who are expected to graduate by March 31, 2024. Please include a certificate of expected graduation with your application. If accepted, you must submit your final transcript and diploma by March 31, 2024. If you do not comply, your acceptance will be canceled.
  • list items Applicants who submit their provisional graduation certificate will be considered as expected graduates.
  • Grades - The cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of the entire curriculum from the previous (degree) programme must meet one of the two conditions listed below; 

    1. the score percentile should be 80% or higher on a 100-point scale, or it should be ranked in the top 20%.
    2. CGPA must be equal to or greater than 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5, or 3.23/5.0 within one's class.
  • list items Previous degree programme for Associate degree programme applicants: high school programme.
  • list items Previous degree programme for applicants to the Bachelor's degree programme: high school or associate degree programme.
  • If an applicant has a transcript that does not include CGPA information or is unable to convert his or her grades into one of the accepted GPA scales (4.0, 4.3, 4.5, 5.0, or 100 point scale), he or she must submit additional documents officially issued by their respective school/university that describe the institution's grading system. 

    Applicants who expect to graduate should calculate their most recent CGPA when applying.

    Age - Must be under the age of 25 (born after March 1, 1999).

    For overseas travel, all applicants must be free of any grounds for disqualification (e.g., criminal history).

    Health - To study in Korea for the full duration of the programme, all applicants must be in good physical and mental health. 


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    What is the application process for the GKS Scholarship?

    To apply for the Global Korea Scholarship (KGSP), applicants should go to the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) India's official website. The candidate must mail a hard copy of the application along with the required documents to the MHRD. The applicant will receive a confirmation email from Seoul National University, and the results will be posted on the NIIED website. Guidelines for the GKS Scholarship Application are available on the website "Study in Korea" (

  • list items Fill out the Global Korea Scholarship application through the MHRD's Sakshat Portal.
  • list items Apply with the necessary documents.
  • list items Fill out the application on the study in Korea website.
  • list items Send the MHRD application to the following address: Ms. Cho Sunghee, Third Secretary, Embassy's Political Affairs Department, Embassy of the Republic of Korea, 9, Chandragupta Marg, Chanakyapuri Extension, New Delhi-110021. Phone: 011-4200-7000.
  • Sprinkles

    What are the documents required for the GKS Scholarship?

    The documents required for the GKS scholarship are:

  • list items Application form 
  • list items Personal statement 
  • list items Study plan
  • list items One letter of recommendation 
  • list items GKS Application agreement 
  • list items Personal medical assessment 
  • list items Proof of citizenship (applicant and parent) and proof of family relationship 
  • list items High school graduation certificate 
  • list items Academic transcript of high school curriculum
  • list items Graduation certificate of associate degree program 
  • list items Academic transcript of associate degree
  • list items Proof of overseas Korean document
  • list items Proof of Korean citizenship renunciation document
  • list items Proof of Korean war veteran’s descendant 
  • list items Score report of valid TOPIK (original) or English Proficiency Test (copy) 
  • list items Copy of awards and other certificates (copy)
  • list items Applicant’s Passport (copy) 
  • Sprinkles

    What is the selection process for the GKS Scholarship?

  • list items A thorough examination of documents will be conducted by the selection committee to verify an applicant's qualifications, including citizenship, level of education, and academic grades, among other criteria.
  • list items Applicants will be evaluated on their competency, which will include a document review and an oral interview.
  • list items Applicants with a TOPIK level 3 or higher will receive 10% more points than the total number of points available.
  • list items Direct descendants of Korean War veterans who served as foreign military will be given an additional 5% of the total points available.
  • list items Special consideration and preference will be given to: 
  • list items Applicants with overseas Korean backgrounds 
  • list items Applicants from low-income families or from disadvantaged backgrounds
  • list items Applicants with high scores on English proficiency tests (TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS) will be given preference.
  • list items Applicants to regional universities' natural science and engineering departments.
  • list items Winners of the Technical Skills Competition (for associate degree applicants)
  • The GKS Scholarship enables students to achieve academic excellence in Korea while receiving fully funded tuition and housing. Students get to learn about the diverse and rich Korean culture. Fine arts, music, agriculture, engineering, medicine, literature, languages, law, environmental studies, public health, and dentistry are among the programmes available through the scholarship. The Global Korea Scholarship (KGSP) is open for applications every year, and nearly sixty Korean universities participate. The scholarship provides students with intensive Korean language training in order to increase their chances of finding work in Korea. 


    How to contact for the GKS Scholarship?

    You can click on the link below to get your questions and queries related to GKS Scholarship answered. 


    Frequently asked questions

    My CGPA is less than 80%. Is it true that I am ineligible to apply for the programme?

    You can apply if you are in the top 20% of your class, even if your score percentile is less than 80%. Please submit an official certificate or a letter from your school/university stating that your grade is in the top 20% of your class, along with your original transcript.

    When is the application deadline?

    Each embassy/university has a different application deadline. Please check each institution's website for the application deadline. Because each embassy/university that conducts the first round of selection may have different application submission guidelines, please contact the embassy/university with any submission-related questions, such as application deadlines, etc.

    Is it possible to submit an original degree certificate and academic transcript without an apostille or consular confirmation?

    "Required certificates" must be accompanied by an apostille or consular confirmation. Original or notarized documents only from a notary public or other government agencies will not be accepted.

    Will I be assigned to a Korean language institution in a different region of my degree’s university if I become a GKS scholar?

    No longer; beginning in 2023, all GKS scholars will take their Korean language programme at the same university where they will complete their degree programme.

    Can I change my final university choice while enrolled in a Korean language programme or a degree programme?

    No, you are not permitted. Under no circumstances is it permitted to change universities or transfer to another university.

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