Hani Zeini Scholarship for Entrepreneurial Students

Hani Zeini Scholarship

Hani Zeini Scholarship

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Hani Zeini is a successful entrepreneur with innovative ideas. Zeini believes that enterprises have enormous potential to transform the world. Hani Zeini is also keen to support the next student-led entrepreneurial endeavor. The Hani Zeini Scholarship is intended for students with long-term business and enterprising ambitions. Zeini is also particularly interested in assisting students who have demonstrated financial need. 

Offered by  N/A
Amount Granted INR 83,251 (one-time payment)
Type of Scholarship  Merit and Need-based 
Level of Program Undergraduate and Graduate 
Application Deadline  01 March 2024 (tentative)
International Students  Yes 
Official URL  Hani Zeini Scholarship

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What are the benefits of Hani Zeini Scholarship?

The Hani Zeini Scholarship provides the following benefits to applicants: One-time payment of INR 83,251 to the scholarship holder’s financial aid account. 


What is the eligibility criteria of Hani Zeini Scholarship?

There are no restrictions on eligibility for the Hani Zeini Scholarship program. Students enrolled in any program worldwide are eligible to apply for the award.

Requirements: Hani Zeini scholarship applicants must write an 850-word essay discussing the main business issues of the twenty-first century and how to handle those challenges successfully.


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What is the application process of Hani Zeini Scholarship?

Applicants must submit an original essay of no more than 850 words detailing their goals and how they intend to use their knowledge to become successful entrepreneurs.

This must be sent to info@hanizeinigrant.com as an MS word document.

Applicants must also include the following information on a separate page:

  • list items Name and last name
  • list items Contact number
  • list items EDU email address
  • list items Mailing address
  • list items Name of the University 
  • Sprinkles

    What is the selection process of Hani Zeini Scholarship?

    Candidates are chosen for the scholarship based on their potential as future business leaders as well as their demonstrated financial need. Priority will be given to:

  • list items Those who exhibit an interest in creating their own creative business
  • list items Those who will make societally beneficial contributions
  • The chosen candidates will be notified through email and their profiles will be placed on the official website.


    Contact Details

    You can contact Hani Zeini via Email: info@hanizeinigrant.com

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    Frequently asked questions

    Who is eligible for the Hani Zeini scholarship?

    The students who are enrolled in an approved institution or university, regardless of class position, are eligible to apply for the scholarship.

    Am I supposed to attend any specific institution to be eligible for the Hani Zeini scholarship?

    No, you’re not supposed to attend any specific school to be eligible for the Hani Zeini scholarship.

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