Horowitz Foundation Grants for Social Policy Researchers

Horowitz Foundation Grants

Horowitz Foundation Grants

On this Page:

Irving Louis Horowitz and Mary Curtis Horowitz founded the Horowitz Foundation for Social Policy in 1997 as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Supporting the growth of knowledge and research in the main social science subjects is its main goal. Its specific objective is to give dissertation-level aspiring Ph.D. students minor scholarships to support the research they are doing for their thesis.

The main aim of the Horowitz Foundation is to support emerging scholars through small grants, to promote scholarship with a social policy application, and to encourage projects that address contemporary issues in the social sciences. 

Offered by Horowitz Foundation 

Amount Granted 

INR 8,32,355 approx (10,000 USD)

Type of Scholarship 


Level of Program 


Application Deadline 

1st December, 2024



International Students 


Official URL 

Horowitz Foundation Grants 

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What are the benefits of Horowitz Foundation Grants?

Applicants are awarded grants exclusively on the basis of merit. Each is worth a total of INR 8,32,355 (10,000 USD), with INR 6,24,238 (7,500 USD) granted initially and INR 2,08,109 (2,500 USD) awarded upon project completion.

In order to receive the second installment, you must provide proof of one of the following:

  • list items Dissertation acceptance and approval;
  • list items Acceptance of a peer-reviewed journal paper based on the research; or
  • list items Invitation to create and publish a research-based book chapter.
  • list items Grants are not renewable, and recipients have five years from the date of award announcement to finish their project and receive their final payment.
  • Sprinkles

    What are the eligibility criteria of Horowitz Foundation Grants?

    You cannot apply more than once starting in 2023. You are still eligible if you applied before 2023 and want to apply again. You must: 

  • list items Be current PhD (or DrPH) students working on their dissertation.
  • list items Not have a Ph.D.; if you do, you will be disqualified.
  • list items Have defended their dissertation proposal or had their department approve their topic.
  • list items Be from any country or university across the world. There is no requirement for US citizenship or residency.
  • Sprinkles

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    What is the application process of Horowitz Foundation Grants? 

    The application process for the Horowitz Foundation Grants is very effortless and quick. You can apply for the same by following these steps. 

  • list items Create an account by clicking the "Application Form" button. 
  • list items Fill out the Application and include the following:
    • Personal Information - short answer questions
    • A brief overview of the project
    • 750-word description of your project
    • Upload Your Curriculum Vitae
    • Referee contact information 
  • list items Click the "Review & Submit" button (before or on December 1, 2023, 11:59 p.m.).
  • list items Make certain that your referees finish the response by December 1, 2023, 11:59 p.m.
  • Sprinkles

    What is the selection process of Horowitz Foundation Grants?

    The Foundation funds projects that have a global or local impact on social policy.

    The Trustees evaluate applications based on criteria such as the importance of the policy issue, the feasibility, applicability, and originality of the project, the methodology, evidence that the project is theoretically informed and/or the research is empirically rich, and recommendations. There is no precise weight assigned to any one area. The total merit of all components of the application is used to evaluate proposals. 


    Contact details 

    For further information and queries, you can contact the Horowitz Foundation by clicking on the following link. Click Here 


    Frequently asked questions:

    How are the funds administered ?

    The applicant/award recipient receives the award, not their university.

    Must I be a US citizen or a US resident to apply ?

    No, none of the both is required to apply for the Horowitz Foundation Grants program. 

    In which language(s) may I submit my application?

    You are required to submit your application, letters, and documents in English only.

    Check Loan Eligibility