Reach Oxford Scholarships for Students from Low-Income Countries

Reach Oxford Scholarship

Reach Oxford Scholarship

On this Page:

A number of Reach Oxford scholarships (formerly Oxford Student Scholarships) are available to students from low-income countries who are unable to study for a degree in their home countries due to political or financial constraints, or because suitable educational facilities do not exist.

Offered by  Institution
Amount granted  Variable
Type of scholarship Merit-based
Level of program Undergraduate 
Application deadline 15 January 2025 (tentative)
International students  Yes 
Official url  Reach Oxford Scholarship

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What are the benefits of the Reach Oxford Scholarship?

Oxford University supports its academic prodigies throughout their academic careers. Reach Oxford Scholarships are available to first-year undergraduate students at the University of Oxford. It is available to 2-3 students and covers course fees, a living allowance, and one return air fare per year.


What is the eligibility criteria for the Reach Oxford Scholarship?

Applicants who wish to be considered for the Reach Oxford Scholarship 2024 must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • list items Must be a resident of one of the countries receiving DAC and OECD official development assistance. India, Egypt, Cambodia, Argentina, Brazil, China, Malaysia, South Africa, Thailand, and Zimbabwe are among the countries represented.
  • list items Except for Medicine, you must be enrolled in any UG programme at the University of Oxford.
  • list items You must be a first-year international student at the University of Oxford.
  • Sprinkles

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    What is the application process for the Reach Oxford Scholarship?

    The application process to apply for the Reach Oxford Scholarship is extremely simple and easy. 

  • list items You need to include your Personal Information, Course Details, Financial Information, Supporting Statements, and References on the application form. You can then submit the form via email or postal mail.
  • list items Email your request to If you are submitting your application via email, please use the following subject line: - Undergraduate Scholarship Application (for instance, 'Amanda Other - Undergraduate Scholarship Application')
  • Sprinkles

    What are the documents required for the Reach Oxford Scholarship?

    The documents you will be required for the Reach Oxford Scholarship are:

  • list items An annual report detailing your academic and social activities.
  • list items An annual report detailing your achievements at the University.
  • Sprinkles

    What is the selection process for the Reach Oxford Scholarship?

    The Reach Oxford Scholarship will be awarded during the month of March. Only applicants who have received an offer and are of the highest academic ability are eligible for the scholarship.

  • list items The primary selection criteria are financial need and social commitment.
  • list items Students who have never studied at the UG level will be given preference.
  • Applicants who are chosen will be notified via email. Recipients must intend to return to their home country after completing their studies.


    How can you contact Oxford University?

    You can contact the Oxford University through their postal address:

    Postal address
    University of Oxford
    University Offices
    Wellington Square
    OX1 2JD
    United Kingdom

    Telephone: +44 1865 270000
    Fax: +44 1865 270708

    The University of Oxford is not a campus university, and our colleges, departments, and other constituent units are spread throughout the city rather than concentrated in one location. Addresses and phone numbers for individual colleges and departments can be found on their respective websites.


    Frequently asked questions

    How long will this scholarship last?

    This scholarship lasts 3 or 4 years, depending on the UG course.

    How do I apply for the 2024 Reach Oxford Scholarship?

    Applicants may apply for the scholarship beginning in January 2024. On the official website, the university will announce that applications for the Reach Oxford Scholarship 2024 are now being accepted.

    What are the benefits of the Reach Oxford Scholarship?

    This scholarship provides the following benefits:

    (1) Course fee 

    (2) Living cost grant 

    (3) One airfare per year

    What exactly is the Reach Oxford Scholarship?

    Every year, a number of Reach Oxford Scholarships are made available to students. This scholarship was previously known as the Oxford Student Scholarship. The scholarship is available to students from low-income countries who are unable to pursue a degree in their home country due to political or financial constraints or a lack of educational facilities.

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