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How to Prepare for GRE Quantitative Section?

How to Prepare for GRE Quantitative Section?

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Need help with preparing for GRE Quantitative section? Check our study tips, resources, practice tests, and sure-shot tricks to crack the section like a pro!

Madhuwrita Nandi
Updated on:  04 Oct 2024  | Reviewed By:  Aman  | 16K | 16  min read

Why is the GRE Quantitative Section Important?

GRE stands for Graduate Record Examination and is conducted by ETS every year. The test scores are useful for you to get into top graduate schools for master degree programs, including MS.

Speaking of the importance of GRE sectional scores, the requirement of minimum GRE sectional scores varies as per the program and university you are choosing. A certain program may focus on one section more than the other, and therefore, in such cases, a candidate will have to ensure that he/she performs well in that particular section. All in all, to get a good overall score, one needs to ace all the sections equally well. One has to, therefore, prepare each section thoroughly. While you can swing by the following if you are looking for GRE preparation guides for other sections, this article will specifically focus on how to prepare for GRE Quantitative section.


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What is the Syllabus for the GRE Quantitative Section? 

The quantitative section in GRE is aimed at testing your basic mathematical skills and concepts. It tests your competency in four areas: Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry and Data Analysis. 
The topics under each section include: 

  1. list items
  2. list items Divisibility, Prime Numbers, Factorization, Even & Odd Integers, Remainders
  3. list items Arithmetic Operations, Roots, and Exponents; 
  4. list items Percent, Estimation, Ratio, Absolute Value, Decimal Representation, Number Line Sequences of Numbers


  1. list items
  2. list items Quadratic and Linear Equations and Inequalities 
  3. list items Simultaneous Inequalities and Equations 
  4. list items Simplification & Factorization of Algebraic Expressions 
  5. list items Functions, Equations, Relations, and Inequalities
  6. list items Forming Equations to Get Answers to Word Problems 
  7. list items Coordinate Geometry, Graphs related to Functions and Equations


  1. list items
  2. list items Quadrilaterals, Perpendicular & Parallel Lines, Circles and Triangles
  3. list items Polygons and Congruent Figures
  4. list items 3-D figures, Area, Volume, Perimeter
  5. list items Pythagorean Theorem 
  6. list items Measurement of Angle in Degrees


  1. list items
    Data Analysis
  2. list items Statistics
  3. list items Interpreting Data in Tables & Graphs
  4. list items Frequency Distributions & Scatterplots
  5. list items Elementary Probability 
  6. list items Conditional Probability 
  7. list items Probability Distributions and Random Variables and Counting Methods
  8. list items Combinations, Venn Diagrams, Permutations


Word problems and algebra problems are the most frequent in GRE. The problems are generally of high school level and do not include trigonometry, calculus, etc.

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What is the Exam Pattern of GRE Quantitative Section?

Quantitative Reasoning has two sections, with 20 questions each. 35 minutes are allotted per section. You shall not lose marks for answering incorrectly in the GRE. 
The Quantitative section has 4 kinds of questions

  • list items Quantitative Comparison Questions - This section asks you questions in which you are required to compare two given quantities on the basis of the information provided. 
  • list items Multiple-Choice Questions - Select One Answer Choice - In these questions, you will be required to find one correct answer out of 5 given choices. 
  • list items Multiple-Choice Questions - Select One or More Answer Choices - These require you to choose one or more correct answers from the list of options given. 
  • list items Numeric Entry Questions - In these questions, you enter your answer as an integer, decimal, or fraction.
  • list items Data Interpretation Set - This consists of sets of questions which are supposed to be answered based on the same data representation, like, the same graph or table. 

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How to Answer GRE Exam Quantitative Section Questions? 

Here are some tips that will definitely help you while answering all types of questions in the GRE section on the exam day. 

1. Quantitative Comparison Questions

Become familiar with the answer choices, as the choices are the same for all the questions under this section. Try to use as much estimation as possible instead of going into lengthy calculations. Simplify the questions so that the comparison becomes easier. You can substitute the variables in algebraic expressions with numbers and make an approximate comparison. 

2. Multiple-choice Questions - Select One Answer Choice 

Examine the choices properly. Find out how much approximation is okay. If you use approximations to get the correct answer, it will save you a lot of time. Hence, do not go into the calculations right away. 
If your answer is not in the choices, it is likely that you have made a mistake. Recheck your solution, or try to use another method. 

3. Multiple-choice Questions - Select One or More Answer Choices 

Read the question carefully and figure out how many answers are expected. Use your mathematical knowledge to determine the least and greatest possible value the answer could be. That can help you to eliminate irrelevant choices. Do not go into lengthy calculations that might end up confusing you. 

4. Numeric Entry Questions 

Firstly, find out what type of answer is required from you, as in, units, etc. If you are required to round it off, notice the degree of accuracy required. You should always double-check your answers using a different method, or putting in approximate values. 

5. Data Interpretation Set 

Pay attention to the parts that might be important for solving the questions that follow. Do not try to read the entire question in detail. 

For bar graphs and line graphs, handle operations by sight or by measurement, judging by the scales used.
You are supposed to answer the questions, solely on the basis of the information provided and universally accepted facts. You should not use any information that you previously read somewhere. 

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How to Prepare for GRE Quantitative Section?

Following are a few study tips which you can put to use while studying for the GRE Quantitative section:


  1. list items
    You get 35 minutes to answer each section, which may or may not be enough for you. Hence, you should totally work on your time management skills to be able to complete the sections within the limited time frames while ensuring that accuracy is not compromised. 
  2. list items
    Arithmetic topics may not include any advanced mathematics, but the questions can be tricky sometimes. Make sure that you are familiar with the concepts mentioned in the GRE quantitative section syllabus above.
  3. list items
    Math is all about practice. Hence, to prepare for the GRE quantitative section, practice as many questions as possible. Learn the format properly. Take mock tests, and solve them in the same amount of time as you will be provided in the exam. Realize your strong and weak points. That will help you to plan your strategy for attempting the questions. 
  4. list items
    Learn to simplify word problems into easy equations, so that you can solve it faster.

What are Some Useful Study Resources to Prepare for GRE Quantitative Section?

  1. list items
  2. list items The Official Guide to the GRE Revised General Test, 3rd Edition - ETS
  3. list items Official GRE Quantitative Reasoning Practice Questions - ETS
  4. list items PowerPrep and PowerPrep PLUS - ETS
  5. list items Practising to Take the GRE General Test, 10th Edition - ETS


  1. list items
    Online Resources
  2. list items ETS Official Website

Sample Questions to Prepare for GRE Exam Quantitative Section

  • list items Quantitative Comparison Questions
  • list items Numeric Entry Questions
  • list items Multiple-Choice Questions - Select One Answer 
  • list items Multiple-Choice Questions - Select One or More Answer 

General Tips for GRE Preparation

  • list items You are advised to get started with your preparations as early as possible and not leave things for the last minute. 
  • list items Prepare a proper time-table to complete the GRE syllabus on time. 
  • list items Regular revision and practice is a must.
  • list items Focus on the important and basic concepts.
  • list items Practice as many mock tests as possible. Consult seniors or mentors to clear any doubt that arises. 
  • list items Also, the most important advice while you are preparing for any exam is, to ace your time management skills. 

Tips for One Week Before the Exam 

  • list items Concentrate on solving more practice problems. 
  • list items Revise your weak concepts. 
  • list items Take as many practice tests as possible. 
  • list items Do not try to learn new concepts. 
  • list items Make sure you are not working under stress. 

Tips for the Exam Day

  • list items Reach exam centre on time. 
  • list items Make sure you are carrying all the required documents. 
  • list items Eat proper breakfast. 
  • list items Stay calm and concentrated. 
  • list items Do not try to cheat. 


Tips to Boost Your Score in GRE Quantitative Section 

  • list items Maintain neat rough work, so that you can understand it better if you need to. 
  • list items Since GRE does not have negative marking, do not skip any questions. Take a guess. 
  • list items Use approximations and shortcuts to save time. 
  • list items If you are taking more than 2 minutes on a certain question, keep it for later and move to the next. 
  • list items Try back calculating from the given options to get the correct answer. 
  • list items Draw proper diagrams for geometry questions to help you visualize the question better. 
  • list items Use the on-screen calculator, only if it is necessary.


Maths gets easier with practice. Try to make your own strategies to lessen lengthy calculations and save time while answering mock tests. Set your target score, and start working accordingly. A little hard work is all that it takes.


If GRE prep work still continues to give you a hard time, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We have partnered with the best GRE coaching centres who have mastered the mantra to crack the GRE, and we will get you too in touch with one of them in case you need a helping hand with GRE.

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