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Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Overseas Scholarship

Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Overseas Vidya Nidhi Telangana Details

Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Overseas Vidya Nidhi Telangana Details

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Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Overseas Vidya Nidhi gives financial assistance to underprivileged students from backward classes for studying abroad. Get complete info on the scholarship here

Updated on:  11 Mar 2024  | Reviewed By:  Ankit Mehra  | 10.6K | 14  min read

Studying abroad at a world-class university is a dream for every student. But to realize this dream one must have the financial means to bear the cost of education abroad. Unlike India, the cost of education abroad is pretty high and not everyone can afford it. So, students from financially weak backgrounds aim to get a scholarship that will help them in reducing the quantum of loans for studying abroad. Several government-backed scholarships give financial assistance to a certain section of students who are meritorious but don’t have the financial means to study abroad. 


The Backward Class Welfare Department, Government of Telangana came up with Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Overseas Vidya Nidhi that will give financial assistance to poor students from backward classes for studying abroad. It will open the doors of opportunity for students from backward class to study abroad, and get secure high paying jobs overseas. The department has given all the details on the financial aid scheme which we will be discussing with you in this article. 



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The Eligibility Criteria for Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Overseas Vidya Nidhi Telangana

One must fulfil the eligibility criteria for the grant of scholarship in the Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Overseas Vidya Nidhi scheme. One must fit in the criteria laid out by the government of Telangana in order to get the scholarship. The candidates must check the criteria very carefully since all the documents related to it will be verified at later stages, and then the selection committee will clear the name for the scholarship. 

  • list items Age limit of the Candidate - The students must be 30 years or less at the time of the advertisement as of 1st July of that year. If there are any age-related issues one must clarify beforehand to rule out any possibility of rejection of the application.
  • list items Academic Qualification of the Candidate - Candidates applying for the scholarship must have a bachelor’s degree in one of the fields of study viz. engineering, MBA, agricultural science, etc.
  • list items The candidate must have a minimum of 60% marks in graduation. Even if the foreign university might have different marks criteria for admission the eligible candidate must have the required 60% to get the scholarship.
  • list items The candidates should note that the GRE/GMAT weightage is given 20% weight. Similarly, TOEFL/IELTS/PTE will also be given 20% weightage.
  • list items The candidates have to give the documents which prove that they belong to Backward Class or Extremely Backward Class.

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Other Requirement for the Scholarship

  • list items The family income of the candidate must be less than 5 lakh per annum, and that should include all the sources.
  • list items Only one candidate from a family is eligible for the scholarship.
  • list items The candidate must secure admission at a recognised foreign university before applying for the scholarship.
  • list items The candidate must have a valid passport.
  • list items The student must join the university within a year of the communication of the selection to the scholarship committee.
  • list items The candidate has to make sure that they are eligible for getting a visa in the country where they seek to study. Failing to secure a visa will not be the responsibility of the government.

Countries Eligible for the Scholarship 

Not all universities from every country come under the scholarship scheme. Students must check the list of countries for which they can take scholarships. It includes the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Germany, New Zealand, Japan, France and South Korea. So, the candidate must take admission at a recognised university in one of these countries to be eligible for the scholarship.

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Documents Required for the Scholarship

One must ensure that one has all the required documents to apply for the scholarship. If a candidate fails to furnish any document required by the authorities the chances are very likely that their candidature will be cancelled. So one must bring all the Original Certificates along with one set of Gazetted Attested Photo Copies at the time of Certificate Verification. 

The List of Documents are:

  • list items Duly filled E-pass application form wherein all the information must be right as it will be subject to strict scrutiny. 
  • list items The complete set of study certificates from SSC to Degree/PG. 
  • list items The original transcript of the marks sheet must be submitted to the authorities at the time of verification. It is mandatory, and if you don’t have the consolidated marks sheet or the transcript then get it from the university as soon as possible. 
  • list items The details regarding the English proficiency test taken by the candidate. Candidates have to submit their user ID and password to the office at the time of verification. It is also mandatory. 
  • list items The passport, visa, and any other travel-related document that the office might ask from the candidates. 
  • list items The candidate must have proof of admission e.g. the Letter Of Acceptance, I-20 visa form, admission letter, or the Confirmation Of Enrolment. 
  • list items The aadhar card of the parents and the candidate must be submitted. 
  • list items The abroad university fee receipt and the Student ID card. 
  • list items The income certificate issued by the Tehsildar must be submitted. The certificate should include the total family income from all the sources. 
  • list items A copy of the recent tax assessment (if applicable).
  • list items The caste certificate and the certificate of residence issued by the tehsildar must be submitted. 
  • list items If the student is idle in the Gap period then the candidate has to take a Gap certificate from the tehsildar. 
  • list items In case a candidate is employed then they have to submit the payslip and the letter of resignation from the said employment. 
  • list items The details of all the funding of the abroad studies including financial assistance, bank loans, etc. 
  • list items If a candidate is married then they have to give the marriage certificate issued by the competent authority. 

All the documents submitted by the candidate must contain all original documents and it should be along with one set of attested photocopies. For attending the verification process either the candidate or the parent can come. Only one person is allowed for the verification of the document, and there is no verification during holidays. 


The Process Of Applying For Scholarship 

Once you are sure of the eligibility criteria for claiming the scholarship then you can proceed further with filling out the online application form. The candidates must bear in mind that any wrong information will have a direct bearing on the grant of scholarship. So, every student must fulfill the prerequisites for taking the scholarship. The process of applying for Mahatma Jyothiba Phule Overseas Vidya Nidhi Telangana is very simple and it can be done by following these steps:

  • list items Visit the official website
  • list items Fill in all the details related to academics, personal details, income-related details, contact details, and all the other relevant sections must be filled with utmost care. 
  • list items All the documents must be uploaded in the prescribed format. 
  • list items The documents uploaded must be clear. 
  • list items Review the final application form, and then click the submit button for the final submission of the application form. 

The Selection Process for Scholarship Scheme

There is a selection committee that reviews each application with the utmost care, and every minute detail is assessed. There is a holistic process that incorporates checking all the factors that include the qualification of the candidate, academic track record of the candidate, work experience(if any), any special achievement in research or some exemplary work in their respective field of study. Once a thorough assessment is done by the officials they select the eligible candidates for the scholarship. The results are announced on the official website of e-pass wherein you can check if you made it to the list or not. Those selected will be eligible for the scholarship after some formalities and documentation. 

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Maximum Sanctioned Loan Amount 

The maximum scholarship amount is INR 20 Lakh for students eligible for the scholarship. The final scholarship amount is decided by the officials upon assessing the tuition fee, cost of living in the country, and the type of course for which the student has gotten the admission. To start the sanctioning of the loan the student must take a visa for the respective country, and then only the first installment of INR 10 lakh will be sanctioned.  Once a student shows the landing permit or I-94 card, students/institutions will receive an amount of INR 10 lakh. The second installment will be given after the production of the first semester’s result. Once the first-semester result is verified, the second installment of INR 10 lakh will also be credited. 

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The Allocation to Different Castes

The scholarship aims to provide financial help to those who can’t afford an abroad education. There are a total of 300 scholarships that are given every year. Even among the BC and EBCs, there are criteria that the officials have to ensure before the grant of scholarship. 1/3rd of the total number of scholarships should go to women candidates. 3% of the scholarship must be reserved for differently-abled people. Among the BC the allocation pattern is as follows:

  • list items BC-A: 29%
  • list items BC-B: 42%
  • list items BC-C: 29%

These were the scholarship details. If you want to know more about different scholarships for studying abroad, visit GyanDhan’s, Scholarship Finder.

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