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Graduate Record Examinations by ETS
Books are the essential elements of the preparation process for any competitive exams. In the internet age, we have plenty of resources to accumulate information, but the catch lies in filtering the correct information and materializing it into valuable resources. GRE or the Graduation Record Examination is one such exam wherein one needs to have a laser-sharp focus for a couple of months with the right set of books to strengthen the preparation level. There is no lack of resources when it comes to choosing the books for the GRE examination. ETS website also provides free resources for GRE preparation.
The quest for GRE best books is a never-ending process, so it’s always advised to take a word of advice from the experts. A serious GRE aspirant always ensures surgical precision while selecting the books for GRE preparation. A small step in the right direction can take your future in an entirely different direction.
As we have already discussed, GRE preparation books are abundant, but we have narrowed down a couple of them referred by toppers and market bestsellers.
One of the best books for GRE preparation from ETS, which helps students take hold of the topics in a more holistic way and from the most trusted source. Since the book is from ETS itself, it can help you in making a correct assessment of your preparation level. This book also helps students in curating their strategy in the best possible way. There can be no other GRE preparation book to have helped students.
Key features of this book:
Another book by ETS that always pops up in conversations with the topper on the list of GRE best books available in the market. This book for GRE helps students alleviate their preparation a notch higher once they are done with the preliminary level. The book contains questions from the verbal and quant sections of GRE. The questions are at par with those asked in the test, and the best books for GRE tow the line of this book to frame their questions. So it’s a benchmark for other books.
Key features of this book:
Perhaps the most holistic question bank for GRE tests. It has a plethora of questions on varying patterns, thus regarded as the most authentic book for GRE preparation. The latest edition of the book has a whole lot of questions from different sections, which increases your efficiency in the test. The book is regarded as the best book for GRE by toppers and experts.
Key features of this book:
ETS provided some books for GRE as free while few are paid too. PowerPrep 1 and 2 are part of the free resource provided by the ETS, and there is another advanced version named PowerPrep Plus. The free resources by ETS are the most advised GRE preparation books. At the same time, the paid version, which costs $39.95, can be a significant addition to the overall preparation of a GRE aspirant.
Key features of this book:
GRE Prep by Magoosh is the most read book by GRE aspirants among the best GRE preparation books. Toppers always suggest aspirants refer to this book as it is the best book for GRE from a beginner’s perspective. The book is crafted to make you comfortable with the test pattern, thus helping you at both the preliminary and advanced stages of preparation. It is perhaps the only book for GRE referred by experts and toppers, which has video solutions to make it easy for students to get hold of the basics.
Key features of this book:
The essay has a very crucial role in ensuring a decent score on the GRE. It is one of the best books for GRE when it comes to essay writing practice. Analytical writing helps students score better and gives an edge over maximum students who don’t do well in this section. A book dedicated solely to answer writing is a must, irrespective of your writing abilities. Students are advised to consider this book for the GRE test since it will ultimately affect the score.
Key features of this book:
Selecting books for GRE or, for that matter, any examination depends on some common factors:
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