Ashok Khurana Scholarship

Ashok Khurana Scholarship

Ashok Khurana Scholarship

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The Ashok Khurana Scholarship for Outstanding Indian Students is given to deserving Indian students who are starting a postgraduate programme. The grant is only available for specified university academic subjects such as aerospace, education, and clean technology. 

Offered by  Institution 
Amount granted  INR 17,06,000 (stipend)
Type of scholarship Merit-based 
Level of program  Graduate 
Application deadline  15 January 2025 (tentative) 
International students  Indian Students 
Official url  Ashok Khurana Scholarship for Outstanding Indian Student

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What are the benefits of the Ashok Khurana Scholarship?

Professor Ashok Khurana established this award, which provides a stipend of INR 17,06,000 towards the recipient's flights, living expenses, and tuition fees. The successful applicant will be granted a 50% tuition reduction for the duration of their programme.


What is the eligibility criteria for the Ashok Khurana Scholarship?

Applicants must have their acceptance letter to the University of Adelaide in order to be eligible for the Ashok Khurana Scholarship. The following are the scholarship's other eligibility requirements:

  • list items You must be enrolled full-time.
  • list items Be an international student of Indian origin who is not presently studying or staying in Australia on a Student, Bridging, or other visa.
  • list items Master's programme at the University of Adelaide begins in the same session and years as the scholarship.
  • list items Students must be enrolled in one of the following postgraduate programmes:
  • list items Education
  • list items Agriculture (which includes food security and winemaking)
  • list items Services for Health (including Biotechnology)
  • list items Environment of Clean Technology (includes Urban Planning and Architecture)
  • list items Resources for Aerospace
  • list items Students must have completed at least 65% of their undergraduate degree programme.
  • Sprinkles

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    What is the application process for Ashok Khurana Scholarship?

    Applications for the University of Adelaide Ashok Khurana Scholarship are exclusively accepted online. Candidates must complete the following procedures in order to apply for this scholarship:

  • list items Check the official website of the Adelaide University's scholarship page for the next deadline.
  • list items Select the 'Apply Online' option.
  • list items Complete and correctly fill out the application form.
  • list items Attach the relevant PDF documents to the online application.
  • list items Submit the completed application and any required documentation well in advance of the deadline.
  • Sprinkles

    What are the documents required for the Ashok Khurana Scholarship?

    Applicants must provide the following documents when submitting their application:

  • list items Income information for yourself and your parents
  • list items Assets and income of the noncustodial parent
  • list items Documents of citizenship
  • list items Photocopy of Passport


    What is the selection process for the Ashok Khurana Scholarship?

    The successful candidate will be chosen based on the following criteria:

  • list items GPA Academic merit 
  • list items Demonstrated leadership qualities and the capacity to greatly improve India
  • list items Answers to application form questions
  • Overall, an applicant's suitability for the award and ability to improve educational results in the chosen field must be prominently reflected in every Ashok Khurana award application. 

    Note: Maintaining the status of 'foreign student' during the term of the Ashok Khurana Scholarship. If a student's residency status changes, the scholarship will be terminated.


    How can you contact the University of Adelaide for the scholarship?

    You can contact the University of Adelaide to get your questions or queries answered by calling them on the below mentioned number:

     C.No.- +61 8 8313 7335 or 1800 407 527 (Toll Free) 


    Frequently asked questions

    Which university offers the Ashok Khurana scholarship?

    The University of Adelaide offers the Ashok Khurana Scholarship to outstanding Indian students.

    Is the Ashok Khurana scholarship only available to postgraduate students?

    Yes, the Ashok Khurana scholarship is exclusively available to postgraduate students.

    Can I apply for more than one scholarship?

    You can apply for numerous scholarships, but if chosen, you will only receive one every year.

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