Ontario Graduate Scholarship for Master's and PhD Students

Ontario Graduate Scholarship

Ontario Graduate Scholarship

On this Page:

The Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS) program promotes academic performance in Ontario's publicly funded universities. Since 1975, the OGS program has awarded merit-based scholarships to Ontario's top graduate students in all fields of study. The scholarship program at the University of Toronto is financed jointly by the province of Ontario and the university. The province provides OGS prizes to institutions, outlining the number of awards each may offer to students each year.

Offered by  Government bodies 
Amount Granted  INR 6,06,596 for graduate and INR 9,09,894 for doctorate 
Type of Scholarship  Merit-based
Level of Program  Graduate and Doctorate 
Application Deadline  June 01, 2024 (tentative)
Renewability  One time payment 
International Students  Yes 
Official URL Ontario Graduate Scholarship



What are the benefits of Ontario Graduate Scholarship? 

The OGS is worth INR 3,03,298 per session. As a result, applicants may get INR 6,06,596 for two consecutive sessions or INR 9,09,894 for three consecutive sessions. In all cases, the awarding graduate unit will pay one-third of the total award earned by the students.

Each scholarship lasts one year (two consecutive or three academic sessions). The granting graduate unit will establish the value and length of each OGS award, which will be specified in the offer letter. 


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What is the eligibility criteria for Ontario Graduate Scholarship? 

Applicants who desire to apply for the Ontario Graduate Scholarship must be aware of the granting authority's qualifying criteria: 

  • list items The Ontario Graduate Scholarships are available to both native and international students. The applicant must be: a Canadian citizen or permanent resident at the time of application; and a foreign student studying at an Ontario university with a valid Canadian study permit.
  • list items The applicant must have an A-average (the Ontario equivalent of 80%) in both years of full-time study before being given the scholarship.
  • list items Applicants must be enrolled in a full-time postgraduate course, which is defined as 60% or more of a full course load as specified by the university, or 40% or more for students with disabilities.
  • list items Applicants must be fluent in English by the time they apply.
  • list items Applicants earning Master's degrees are eligible for a two-year scholarship, while those pursuing doctoral degrees are eligible for a four-year scholarship.
  • list items A single applicant cannot be awarded two government-funded scholarships at the same time. 

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    What is the application process of Ontario Graduate Scholarship?

    Applicants can apply for the Ontario Graduate Scholarship through a detailed application process if they match the eligibility requirements. The following details the application procedure for the same:

  • list items The most recent deadline on the official website will be communicated to applicants so that they know about the application deadline.
  • list items Applicants can use the web portal to access the form.
  • list items Applicants must properly complete the application and upload the necessary files that the site requests.
  • list items Lastly, applicants are asked to send in their applications. thereby finishing the application process with success.
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    What are the documents required for Ontario Graduate Scholarship?

    The following paperwork must be on hand for applicants to the Ontario Graduate Scholarship:

  • list items The Ontario Graduate Scholarship application form with two letters of recommendation from academics;
  • list items A two-page study plan (one page for the plan of study and one page for references and citations) at most;
  • list items Every official transcript of study;
  • list items A copy of the visa paperwork;
  • list items Prior honors, publications, or research background.
  • Sprinkles

    What is the selection process for Ontario Graduate Scholarship?

    The selection process for Ontario Graduate Scholarships is based on merit. Previous honours, publications, and research expertise are used to evaluate student profiles. Students are also evaluated based on their prior experiences and study plans. Following a rigorous review of the profiles, the selection procedure is carried out. The respective program departments and faculties set the weights assigned to each of the following criteria.

    OGS Selection for Graduation Level

    Criteria  Description  Weightage 
    Academic Excellence  Transcripts; Other academic achievements; Program type; Course load; Course duration; Previous scholarships and honors 30-50%
    Research Potential and Statement of Interest  Motivation, inventiveness, and communication skills; Statement of Interest Work experience relevance; The significance and worth of the proposed research; Contribution to research and development through initiative 30-50%
    Personal Characteristics/ Academic Assessment from Referees  Work experience; Leadership experience; Academic involvement; Project management 10-20%

    OGS Selection for Doctoral Level

    Criteria  Description  Weightage 
    Academic Excellence  Academic achievements; Scholarships and honors obtained; The preceding course's duration 30%
    Research Potential and Statement of Interest  Study plan; judgment and inventiveness; initiative and autonomy; interaction with supervisors and peers; ability to lead and complete projects within the allocated time. 50%
    Personal Characteristics/ Academic Assessment from Referees  Presentation quality; Publications; Professionally relevant extracurricular contact and mentoring 20%

    Frequently asked questions:

    How many Ontario graduate Scholarships are there?

    90 of the 3,000 scholarships available each year are designated for students who have been granted a temporary residency visa as a part of a student class under the federal Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.

    Does York University offer an Ontario Graduate Scholarship?

    Yes, York University offers an Ontario Graduate Scholarship. 

    Can International Students apply for the Ontario Graduate Scholarship?

    Yes, International Students can apply for the Ontario Graduate Scholarship. 

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