Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship for Health Professions

Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship

Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship

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Dr. Jade Malay of Texas, a renowned medical practitioner and entrepreneur, established the Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Award. This award was developed to recognize, honour, and encourage high-achieving students who demonstrate leadership traits.

Amount granted USD 1,000 (INR 83,224 approx) per year 
Type of scholarship  Merit-based 
Level of programme Undergraduate and graduate 
Application deadline  March 1, 2024 (tentative) 
Renewability  Yes 
International students  Yes 
Official URL Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship

What are the benefits of Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship?

The Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Award is given to two highly motivated students pursuing higher education each year. The award offers a USD 1,000 (INR 83,324 approx) scholarship to help students with their academic aspirations.

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What are the eligibility criteria of Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship?

To be eligible for the Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship you need to fulfill the following criteria: 

  • list items Seniors in high school, college undergraduates, and graduate students are eligible for this scholarship.
  • list items You need to have a weighted GPA of at least 2.5
  • list items All the female students who identify with a minority group are eligible for the same.
  • list items All the students who have attained a certain major age are considered eligible for the above scholarship.
  • list items All international students are welcome and are eligible to apply.
  • Sprinkles

    What is the application process of Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship?

    The Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Award recognizes two determined students who demonstrate leadership both within and outside the classroom.

    To apply for Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship you have to follow the following steps:

  • list items Go to the official website of Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship.
  • list items Click on ‘Apply’. 
  • list items Once you click on the apply button, another page will appear on which you have to fill out the Application form. 
  • list items You need to fill out the basic information like Name, Birth Date, Address, Email Address, Phone no., Student ID, High School Graduation date, GPA, and a 500-800 word essay on what being a High Achiever means to you. 
  • list items After filling out all the information, click on ‘Submit Application’.
  • The list of documentation is shared once you apply for the scholarship. Some general documents include past academic transcripts, admit letter, and more. 


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    What is the selection process of Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship?

    Selection of the students is done based on their past performance and their level of motivation for higher education. 


    Contact details

    For any questions please contact Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship at DrJadeMalayAward@gmail.com



    Frequently asked questions

    Is the Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship a merit-based scholarship or a need-based scholarship?

    Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship. 

    What is the reward granted to students gaining the Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever scholarship?

    All the scholarship holders will get USD 1,000 (INR 83,224 approx) per year as a scholarship reward. 

    What is the minimum requirement for GPA to get the Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship?

    The minimum GPA that is required in order to get the Dr. Jade Malay High Achiever Scholarship is 2.5. Although it is recommended that you maintain a 3 GPA or more.

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