President's International Scholarship of Excellence

President’s International Scholarship for Excellence

President’s International Scholarship for Excellence

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The President's International Scholarship of Excellence is exclusively available for Bachelor's degree programmes. This is a scholarship based on merit. The President's International Scholarship of Excellence provides up to INR 27,35,325 to a single international student. If an applicant has already earned a free bursary or applied for another university award, he or she is ineligible for this one. 

Offered by  York University 
Amount granted  INR 27,35,325
Type of scholarship  Merit-based 
Level of program Undergraduate 
Application deadline September, 01, 2024 
Renewability  Renewable 
International students  Yes 
Official url  Student Financial Services

What are the benefits of the President’s International Scholarship for Excellence?

The President’s International scholarship for excellence grants INR 1,09,41,298 in total (INR 27,35,325 X 4 years), per student. The scholarship grants cover just the tuition fees. 

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What is the eligibility criteria for the President’s International Scholarship for Excellence?

The students who are applying for or who are willing to apply for the President’s International Scholarship for Excellence need to fulfill certain eligibility requirements. These requirements are mentioned below. 

  • list items Completing one of the following tasks:
    • AISSCE (All-India Senior School Certificate)
    • HSC (Higher Secondary Certificate)
    • ISC (Indian School Certificate)
    • Certificate of Completion of the Intermediate Examination
    • Most programmes require a Pre-University Examination Certificate 
  • list items Grade XII graduation with a minimum overall average of 60%. - at least 5 academic courses
  • list items Some programmes require a higher grade point average.
  • list items Prerequisite courses Biology, Chemistry, and Math must be completed with a grade of at least 55%.
  • list items A final admission average of at least 80% (A) is required for consideration.
  • list items This scholarship is renewable for an additional three years of full-time study or until degree completion (whichever comes first), as long as the student completes a minimum of 24 credits every Fall/Winter session with a sessional grade point average of 6.0. 
  • list items To be considered, a minimum 'A' average or equivalent (York factor 8 or 9) is required.
  • list items You must be an international student who needs a Study Permit to study in Canada.
  • list items Must have applied to a York undergraduate degree programme beginning in Autumn 2023. Must have applied to York directly from high school no more than two years after graduation, and have no previous university or college courses.
  • list items Language requirements in English TOEFL score of 88, IELTS overall score of 6.5, and PTE score of 60
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    What is the application process for the President’s International Scholarship for Excellence?

    You need to apply online at To be considered, a minimum 'A' average or equivalent (York factor 8 or 9) is required. The application form includes the applicant's personal statement (500 words or fewer), financial profile, list of activities and volunteer experiences, and one letter of reference.


    What are the documents required for the President’s International Scholarship for Excellence?

  • list items Academic transcript copies
  • list items Evidence of English language proficiency 
  • list items Personal statement
  • list items A minimum of two (but no more than three) reference letters should be included on your resume.
  • list items By February, all needed documents must be marked as "Received" on the York application (MyFile). 
  • list items The online International Student Scholarship Application must be completed and submitted by February.
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    What is the selection process for the President’s International Scholarship for Excellence? 

    The following steps are typically involved in the selection process for the President's Scholars of Excellence Programme:

    1. Application Review: All submitted applications are reviewed by the scholarship committee to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria and include all required documents.
    2. Academic achievements, extracurricular involvement, leadership experiences, recommendation letters, and personal statements are all considered in the evaluation of applications.
    3. Shortlisting: A shortlist of candidates who best align with the program's values and criteria is created from the pool of applicants.
    4. Interviews (If Applicable): Shortlisted candidates may be invited for an interview in order to further assess their suitability for the scholarship.
    5. Final Selection: Following a thorough evaluation, the scholarship committee selects recipients based on the merits of their applications. Selection for study in Canada is also based on interview performance (if applicable).
    6. Notification: The university notifies selected candidates via official communication channels. They are informed about the award, its benefits, and any next steps that must be taken.
    7. Acceptance and Enrollment: Scholarship recipients must usually follow specific instructions in order to formally accept their award and complete any enrollment or registration procedures at the University of Toronto.
    8. Ongoing Requirements (If Applicable): Some scholarships may have renewal conditions, such as maintaining a certain GPA or being actively involved in specific activities.


    How can you contact the President’s International Scholarship for Excellence? 

    For enquiries about your account, call 416-872-YORK (9675).


    Frequently asked questions

    What is the President’s Scholars of Excellence Programme?

    Can international students apply for the programme?

    Yes, both domestic and international students are eligible to participate in the President's Scholars of Excellence Programme.

    How can I get more information about the programme?

    For more information, please contact the programme at or 416-978-2190.

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