The engineering graduates churn leaders with innovative skills across all fields. UTS is ranked 64th in the world for employability among graduates. The university provides a hands-on, practice-based learning experience for the students. UTS is connected with over 1000 industry partners.
The undergraduate programs offered by the department are:
Bachelor Courses
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
Bachelor of Engineering Science
Bachelor of Engineering Science Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Business Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Medical Science Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) Bachelor of Science Diploma in Professional Engineering Practice
Postgraduate Programs
Master of Engineering: The course allows recently graduated engineers and technical specialists to deepen the knowledge and skills gained in their first degree while expanding their managerial and professional engineering knowledge at the same time. The subjects offered follow an integrated approach to professional practice through compulsory disciplinary and professional engineering subjects, compulsory subjects relevant to the chosen major, an independent engineering graduate project in at least one field of engineering, and a set of electives (any engineering or IT subjects, some with prior approval).
Master of Engineering (Advanced): This course allows professionally qualified engineers to explore specific engineering aspects by undertaking a research study in a major field of engineering. Students must undertake a minimum of 48 credit points of coursework and a research project of 48 credit points (over a period of one year) under individual academic supervision.
Master of Engineering (Extension): This programme helps to improve technological know-how across fields of engineering. Students can complete a major in engineering and also choose a sub-major in another field of engineering or information technology. Students need to complete all the subjects opted for and an independent graduate project in at least one field of engineering. There is an integrated approach to professional practice through compulsory subjects apart from compulsory subjects relevant to the chosen major and sub-major. There is also an independent engineering graduate project in one field of engineering, and a set of electives.
Master of Engineering Management: The course helps engineers, technical specialists and non-technical professionals to build and stretch their managerial skills and integrate their business and technical knowledge. The duration of this course is one-and-a-half years. Applicants with a recognised bachelor's degree are eligible for the recognition of prior learning of up to four subjects and are thus able to complete the course in one year on a full-time basis. It is designed to emphasise the interface between engineering, technology and management.
Master of Environmental Engineering Management: This course allows engineers and other technical specialists to be leaders in the field of environmental engineering and management. It is relevant to practising professionals in engineering science, planning, architecture, law, surveying, health and building. The duration of this course is one and a half years. Only the applicants with a recognised bachelor's degree in engineering or the natural and physical sciences are eligible. They are able to complete the course in one year on a full-time basis. It is supplemented by management and policy subjects to help the student lead teams working across the field of environmental engineering and management.
Master of Information Technology: This course allows students to achieve a deeper understanding of information technology in specialised technical or management areas. Students can tailor the course to satisfy their career development needs. Students with an undergraduate background in an information technology-related field are advised to consider the Master of Information Technology (Extension).
Master of Information Technology (Advanced): The course allows students to achieve a deeper understanding of information technology. The wide range of specialisations allows students to customise the course to meet their career needs. It is a 2-year full-time or 4-year part-time course. The course helps students to keep IT knowledge and skills up to date. It provides students with an improved understanding of the business and technical developments encompassing the current information and communications technology (ICT). The programme trains students to meet the challenges of working in the IT industry. Students also have a view to providing a pathway for research.
Master of Information Technology (Extension): It is a 2 years full time or 4 years part-time course. The Advanced course lays more stress on a research project. While the Extension course has 6-12 credit points for a research project, the Advanced course has 12-24 credit points. The Advanced course also enrols students for part-time courses.
Master of Professional Engineering: This course allows graduate engineers to continue in the field of specialisation. This course enables students to deepen their knowledge and expertise in their field and be ready to practise engineering. Students can undertake a major and be recognised for this specialisation. It is designed to incorporate an integrated approach to professional engineering practice by using compulsory professional engineering subjects, compulsory subjects relevant to the major, an independent engineering graduate project component and compulsory engineering practise stream. This course allows students to choose a programme of study and then embark on a 12-week professional experience.
Master of Professional Practice: The course encompasses practice-based subjects as well as elective subjects. Students can work with academics and professional peers in collaborative and intensive workshops. They work on complex problems and sharpen their problem-solving skills and critical thinking on sustainable development solutions. The course allows students to think in various ways that help them to tackle difficult issues and unravel problems.
Master of Project Management: It provides an immersive learning environment for both aspiring and experienced project managers and equips students with the underlying knowledge and practical experience that drive project delivery across all industry sectors, from construction to information technology. It was the first Australian program to be accredited by the Project Management Institute's (PMI) Global Accreditation Centre. The foundation subjects are compatible with the structures used by the PMI and Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM) to certify practitioners. UTS academics are at the forefront of project management research internationally.
Master of Science: The Master of Science is for two distinct groups of students, namely the professional scientists wishing to update their industry-related skills for career advancement and students considering a research degree. The course contains a compulsory core of professional subjects relevant to all science disciplines. The subjects in the core provide skills important to a professional scientist. Students may have the option of undertaking a small research project, subject to approval by the faculty.
Master of Science in Internetworking: This course is targeted at computing science, information technology or engineering graduates, with or without networking experience. The internetworking programme provides hands-on learning experience using various resources, including support provided by Cisco Systems for broad computer network and relevant applications. It could include routing, switching, security, wireless, mobile computing, web systems, cloud computing and operating systems. The programme covers various aspects of the organisational use of networks: design, implementation, security, management, end systems and applications. The course covers 72 credit points of study. It includes 48 credit points for the completion of the graduate diploma. Apart from this, there are another 24 credit points of elective subjects, comprising either optional research methodologies and project subjects or elective coursework.
Master of Science in Internetworking (Extension): Students can develop skills in the internetworking field as per their interest and based on the elective chosen. The courses cover switching and routing, systems and network management and analysis, network security, mobility and web development. Students can also prepare for Cisco CCNA and CCNP certifications. The course totals 96 credit points of study, comprising a 24-credit-point stream of professional subjects, 30 credit points of core internetworking subjects, a 6-credit-point capstone subject (either research or industry-based) and 36 credit points of electives.
Master of Strategic Supply Chain Management: The emergence of advanced service economies, connected information systems including disruptive technologies, cloud computing and data analytics, new management practices and approaches, risk and complexity in supply chains have been major issues faced by the industry. The Master of Strategic Supply Chain Management is designed for those who wish to gain significant insight and skills in these areas. The course is designed to cater to the needs of those employed in all the sectors of business including private, public and not-for-profit and who seek advanced knowledge of supply chain networks, procurement strategies, operations and logistics management. Students must complete a total of 72 credit points made up of 11 subjects, comprising of seven core subjects (42 credit points), three elective subjects (18 credit points), and one Industry Research Project or Internship Experience (12 credit points).
Master of Strategic Supply Chain Management (Extension): Students must complete a total of 72 credit points made up of 11 subjects comprising of seven core subjects (42 credit points), three elective subjects (18 credit points), and one Industry Research Project or Internship Experience (12 credit points).
Master of Technology: The Master of Technology combines practice-based subjects with elective subjects. It teaches students to build postgraduate level knowledge in subjects chosen by them. It includes subjects focused on technology and community, along with scientific or technological processes. Students have to complete 72 credit points, divided into 24 credit points of core subjects and 48 credit points of technologies focused subjects.
Master of Engineering Management Master of Business Administration: The subjects offered to follow an integrated approach to professional practice through compulsory engineering management/professional engineering subjects, compulsory subjects relevant to business administration and an independent engineering graduate project in engineering management. This program allows students to complete the Master of Engineering Management and Master of Business Administration in two years of full-time study. This unique course is for students who have a bachelor's in engineering and who want to combine a Master of Engineering Management with a Master of Business Administration. Students are required to complete 96 credit points, comprising of 48 credit points in engineering management and 48 credit points in business administration subjects.
Master of Engineering Master of Engineering Management: This programme allows students to complete the Master of Engineering (ME) and the Master of Engineering Management (MEM) in two years of full-time study. The subjects offered to follow an integrated approach to professional practice through compulsory professional engineering subjects, compulsory subjects relevant to the major (as part of Master of Engineering), an independent engineering graduate project in the major and a set of electives (any engineering or IT subject). This course is for students who have a bachelor's qualification in engineering and who want to combine the Master of Engineering with a specific major with the Master of Engineering Management.
Other Departments
1. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) leads to positive global change and social justice through their teaching, research and collaboration with industry and the community. The Faculty is home to two schools: Communication, and International Studies and Education. There is a hands-on approach to teaching that’s heavily influenced by extensive industry connections. All the students have the opportunity to undertake internships and other practical placements, both in Australia and overseas. The faculty aims to produce agile, forward-thinking graduates who can work creatively across a range of sectors.
The School of International Studies and Education offers opportunities for teaching, learning and research in the humanities and social sciences.
The UTS School of Communication has a global reputation for its dynamic, innovative and interdisciplinary academic programs in social science, communication and media.
2. Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building
The UTS Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building contributes to the transformation of urban life, contemporary design culture and the built environment through their research, education and engagement with the professions. It houses a creative and vibrant faculty and is an integral part of one of Australia’s leading universities of technology. They have a model of collaborative learning, cutting-edge research, and a strong focus on industry and global engagement.
3. Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
It is a research-intensive faculty with strong practice-based learning programmes. The programme imparts user-centred research outcomes to incorporate them into learning. There is a strong focus on collaborative research to improve lives and society globally.
The faculty covers the following streams:
Biomedical Engineering
Computer Science
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Electrical and Data Engineering
Information, Systems and Modelling
Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
Professional Practice and Leadership
4. Faculty of Health
The faculty offers practice-based education and research that focuses on improving health outcomes in both local and global communities. Established in 1986 at the former Kuring Gai College of Advanced Education, the Faculty of Health is a respected leader in a broad range of disciplines including Health Services Management, Midwifery, Nursing, Public Health and Sport and Exercises and trans-disciplinary areas such as palliative care, health science, diabetes and complementary and integrative medicine.
5. Faculty of Law
The Faculty of Law is a dynamic and innovative law school. Since its commencement in 1975, it has achieved great success for the quality of its legal education and commitment to practice-oriented learning. In 2019, UTS Law scored the highest band for all the three categories of the Australian Research Council’s EIA assessment review – engagement, impact and approach to impact. UTS Law was one of only 6 to receive the grade of ‘high’ across all categories in the discipline of law.
6. Faculty of Science
They have one of the best science teaching and research facilities in Australia. They have the SuperLab, one of only three in Australia.
Within the Faculty, they are two schools that focus on teaching and learning. They are:
School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences: The School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences covers courses in diverse areas such as Medicinal Chemistry, Applied Chemistry, Forensics, Applied Physics, Nanotechnology, Biomedical Physics, Advanced Materials, Mathematics, Statistics and Modelling.
School of Life Sciences: The School of Life Sciences at UTS brings a vibrant research and teaching culture with a diversity of interests in areas such as environmental, plant, marine biology, medical microbiology, infectious diseases, parasitology, inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, neurological disorders, cancer, metabolic biochemistry, and bionanotechnology.
7. Graduate School of Health
The faculty specialises in innovative and practice-based programmes in pharmacy, speech pathology, orthoptics, physiotherapy, genetic counselling, and clinical psychology. The professional partnerships, expert staff and world-class facilities are the foundational pillars which drive students to be innovators in the health profession.
UTS Graduate School of Health was established in 2011 to address the emerging needs of health professions. It provides innovative, practice-based education and high impact research in the following disciplines:
Clinical Psychology
Genetic Counselling
Speech Pathology
Indigenous Health
Good Manufacturing Practice
8. Faculty of Transdisciplinary Innovation
The graduate attributes of UTS transdisciplinary courses align with a range of existing and emerging roles. These roles require the unique combination of digital literacy, problem-solving skills, and creativity and complement discipline-based roles that provide greater depth in specific areas.