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It is a shared department between the Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry. The graduate degree programs offered by the departments in biomedical engineering are MSc and PhD. Under undergraduate program, biomedical engineering is being offered as an option in the co-op program in Mechanical Engineering. \
The MSc degree in Biomedical engineering requires the completion of three graduate courses and a research thesis which must be defended publically in a seminar. Completing the degree takes 2-3 years.
The research areas of the department include:
The department has eight core professors and 40 adjunct professors to guide graduate students. The Peter S. Allen MR Research Centre is located in the university hospital and has three MRI systems for human imaging.
The undergraduate program in Chemical Engineering offers the following specialized study streams - Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Option, Computer Process Control Option, Oil Sands Stream.
The undergraduate program in Materials Engineering is offered in the following specialized study streams: Biomedical Option and Materials Engineering.
The graduate programs offered by the department are: MSc in Chemical Engineering, MSc in Biomedical Engineering, MSc in Process Engineering, PhD in Chemical Engineering, PhD in Biomedical Engineering, and PhD in Process Engineering.
Completion of the MSc degrees constitute coursework, seminars, thesis and ethics course. These must be completed in a span of four years. Typically, the duration of the program is 2-2.5 years.
Some of the research areas of the department are:
There are around 50 faculty members in the department teaching about 300 graduate students.
The department of Civil and Environmental Engineering provides graduate and undergraduate programs. BSc in Civil Engineering, BSc in Civil Engineering with Environmental Engineering Option, BSc in Mining Engineering, and BSc in Petroleum Engineering are the undergraduate programs offered by the department. The graduate programs offered are Master of Science (MSc thesis-based), and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Master of Engineering (MEng course-based).
The MSc program is a full-time research based program which necessitates at least 18 (six single-term courses or equivalent) and ENGG 600 plus a thesis. In some areas, six (two single-term courses or equivalent) more than the minimum is required.This program is expected to be completed within a duration of 15 to 18 months. The maximum time allowed for course completion is 4 years.
The Master of Engineering is a course-based program that necessitates a minimum of 24 (eight single-term graduate courses or equivalent), of which 15 (five single-term courses or equivalent) should be in the candidate's major field of focus, and a project. In some areas of specialization, an additional 6 (two single-term courses or equivalent) more than the minimum are required. Students have four years to complete the program.
The PhD program is a research-based degree program. A supervisor assigns courses in the doctoral program. A minimum of three years and a maximum of six years are required to complete program.
The research areas include:
The faculty includes 7 NSERC Industrial Research Chairs, the Canada Research Chair in Natural Resources Uncertainty Management, and Endowed Chairs in nanofiber research, steel structures, and masonry systems.
The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers undergraduate programs in Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Engineering Physics. Master of Science (MSc), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), and Master of Engineering (MEng), and a joint Master of Business/Master of Engineering (MBA/MEng) are graduate programs offered by the university. Typically, the master’s programs take two years to complete.
The research areas are:
The department has close ties with the $52M Nanotechnology Research Centre and the NRC-UAlberta Nanotechnology Initiative.
The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers traditional mechanical engineering program, cooperative education program, minors, biomedical co-option, elective streams under its undergraduate program. There are MSc, MEng and PhD degrees in Mechanical Engineering as graduate programs. It also provides MSc and PhD degrees in Engineering Management.
The research areas are:
The department consists of two Endowed Research Chairs, three NSERC Industrial Research Chairs, two CSME Fellows, an ASME Fellow,
two Engineering Institute of Canada Fellows, an American Association for Aerosol Research Fellow.
The Department of Computing Science offers BSc, MSc and PhD degrees. M.Sc. students have to write a thesis on their chosen area of research. The course-based M.Sc. program requires students to complete 30 credits in graduate courses, including a 6-credit capstone course. Applicants of the Msc thesis program will have to select a research area and select and name 3 professors as potential supervisors.
It is offered as a major in the following programs.
Minors in biology are offered in all the programs.
Chemistry as a major is available in the following programs.
As minors, it is available in all the programs.
The department’s environmental studies/sciences examine:
It is available as majors in the following programs:
It is available as minors in all the programs.
The university offers a combined degree in Mathematics and Physics. These subjects are available as majors in the following programs
It is available as minors in all the programs.