Father Roger Guindon Student Fund for Health Studies

Father Roger Guindon Student Assistance Fund

Father Roger Guindon Student Assistance Fund

On this Page:

The University of Ottawa named this fund after Reverend Father Roger Guindon. Provide substantial financial assistance to incoming or current University of Ottawa students who have overcome or are coping with significant and long-term life challenges. Following the application, the fund will be awarded for the academic year.

Offered by  University of Ottawa 
Amount granted INR 16,66,901
Type of scholarship  Merit cum need-based 
Level of program  Undergraduate and graduate 
Application deadline March 31,2025 (tentative)
Renewability  Renewable 
International students  Yes 
Official url  Father Roger Guindon Student Assistance Fund

What are the benefits of Father Roger Guindon Student Assistance Fund?

The Father Roger Guindon Student Assistance Fund grants a maximum of INR 16,66,901 (this amount will cover tuition, access fees, and, if applicable, residence fees) and exemption from differential tuition fees between international and Canadian fees to its applicants. 

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What is the eligibility criteria for Father Roger Guindon Student Assistance Fund?

You need to meet the following requirements to be eligible for Father Roger Guindon Student Assistance Fund: 

  • list items Be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, protected/refugee, or international student; 
  • list items Be admitted or registered as a full-time or part-time student at the University of Ottawa; and
  • list items Be in good academic standing.
  • list items Show financial need as determined by the University of Ottawa's Financial Aid and Awards Service; 
  • list items Have overcome and/or are dealing with significant and long-term life challenges; and 
  • list items Be registered full-time or part-time during the Fall term following the application deadline.
  • Former recipients of this fund are eligible to receive it again if they reapply and meet all of the eligibility criteria.


    What is the application process for Father Roger Guindon Student Assistance Fund?

    Applications must be made through Online Scholarships and Bursaries, which can be accessed through the uoZone portal, and must include the following information:

  • list items Financial Questionnaire
  • list items A letter from the applicant outlining the significant and long-term life challenges he/she has faced or is currently facing, accompanied by documentation;
  • list items A letter from the applicant outlining how this funding will help him or her.
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    What is the selection process for Father Roger Guindon Student Assistance Fund?

    There is no specific selection process for Father Roger Guindon Student Assistance Fund. Selection of applicants is done on merit and need basis. 


    How can you contact the Father Roger Guindon Student Assistance Fund?

    Financial Aid and Awards 

    Service 55 Laurier Avenue East, Room 3156, 



    Frequently asked questions

    Are international students from specific countries given priority for this fund?

    (above answer)

    There's no indication of specific country preferences in the selection process. All eligible applicants, regardless of nationality, are considered based on merit and financial need.

    Can part-time students apply for the Father Roger Guindon Student Assistance Fund?

    Yes, both full-time and part-time students at the University of Ottawa can apply, provided they meet all other eligibility criteria.

    Is there an interview process for applicants of the Father Roger Guindon Student Assistance Fund?

    Typically, there isn't a formal interview process. Selection is made based on the information provided in the application materials.

    Can the fund be used for expenses other than tuition and residence fees, such as textbooks or living expenses?

    While the primary aim is to cover tuition, access fees, and residence fees, recipients might have flexibility in utilizing a portion of the fund for other essential educational expenses. However, it's advisable to confirm this with the Financial Aid and Awards Service at the University of Ottawa.

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