Georgian College Entrance Scholarship for International Students

International Entrance Scholarship- Georgian College

International Entrance Scholarship- Georgian College

On this Page:

The goal of the Georgian College International Entrance Scholarship is to support deserving students who are enrolled in or about to enter the Honors Bachelor of Business Administration (Automotive Management), Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical), or Advanced Diploma in Electrical Engineering Technology programmes at Georgian College in Canada. There may be more than one candidate for this award.

Offered by Trust 
Amount granted  INR 1,66,705
Type of scholarship Merit-based 
Level of program Graduate 
Application deadline 15 January 2025 (tentative)
International students  Yes 
Official url  Entrance Scholarship - Georgian College


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What are the benefits of the International Entrance Scholarship- Georgian College?

The Georgian College Entrance Scholarship is worth INR 1,66,705 in the first semester and is given to new, eligible students who enroll at Georgian. There are only a few scholarships available. This award to be used as tuition fee by the scholarship holders. 


What is the eligibility criteria for the International Entrance Scholarship- Georgian College?

To be eligible for the International Entrance Scholarship- Georgian College, applicants need to check the eligibility criteria which is mentioned below. 

  • list items Applicants must be accepted into a Georgian programme and apply for the international entry scholarship by the scholarship intake deadline.
  • list items Recipients must have an above-average GPA (B equivalent or higher) and successfully complete their program's English Language Proficiency requirements. Other eligibility requirements, depending on the country of residence, may apply.
  • list items Personal statements of interest, curriculum vitae (CV), and other documents submitted with an application for admission may be used for evaluation.
  • list items Applicants must submit a full tuition deposit by the scholarship intake deadline.
  • list items Successful applicants will be notified via email shortly after receiving their Letter of Acceptance.
  • list items Scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, with additional criteria applying where scholarships are limited.
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    What is the application process for the International Entrance Scholarship- Georgian College?

    You need to follow the below mentioned steps while applying for the International Entrance Scholarship: 

  • list items To apply for the International Entrance Scholarship- Georgian College, you must be a registered Georgian student. 
  • list items After which you need to first log in to the application system with your Georgian College student email address and password: 
  • list items You will have received a confirmation letter or letter of acceptance after confirming your offer to a Georgian programme, identifying the login and default password for all student systems.
  • list items After completing Georgian's student number application, part-time students who have registered for individual courses through Continuing Education will receive this initial password to the preferred email address provided.
  • list items If you have forgotten your login or password, please use the password management service to reset it or contact IT Support.
  • list items Then, fill out the general application to see what awards, scholarships, and bursaries you qualify for.
  • Sprinkles

    What are the documents required for the International Entrance Scholarship- Georgian College?

    The new application system requires very little documentation. In order to determine eligibility, students are presented with a series of questions while completing the general application, in addition to imported student data from Banner. The following are some documents that you may be required to provide.


    If you are a first-year student at Georgian, you will be asked to provide a copy of your transcript from your most recent educational institution in order to be considered for opportunities with an academic component.


    You will be asked to provide references to back up your application. With the new application system, you do not need to submit a reference letter; instead, simply provide the name and email address of someone who can serve as a reference for the relevant request. This person is then sent a reference questionnaire generated by the application system. Community involvement references, employer references, academic/faculty references, and character references are examples of reference types.


    You are no longer required to write a unique cover letter for each opportunity you apply for. Instead, you'll be asked to provide a statement explaining how receiving an award, scholarship, or bursary will help you achieve your academic goals under the new system. There is more information about the statement available when completing the general application.


    If you want to be considered for an award, scholarship, or bursary opportunities that require financial need, you will be asked to complete a budget.


    What is the selection process for the International Entrance Scholarship- Georgian College?

    Applicants are chosen based on, but not limited to:

  • list items Community involvement 
  • list items Participation in the Georgian community 
  • list items Academic accomplishments
  • list items Financial requirement
  • list items Sports and athletics
  • list items First generation students (a student whose parent(s) have not completed postsecondary education)
  • Scholarship opportunities are reviewed and recipients are chosen at the end of each application cycle.

    Due to the large number of applications received, only those who are successful will be notified. All notifications are delivered to your Georgian student email. Please be aware that once an application cycle has closed, the selection process can take four to six weeks to complete.


    How can you contact the International Entrance Scholarship- Georgian College?

    If you have any questions about scholarships, please contact the Financial Aid and Awards department.

    Financial Aid and Awards is a centralised service located within the Office of the Registrar on the Barrie Campus.

    Barrie Campus

    Office of the Registrar (ground floor of C building)

    Phone: 705.722.1530
    Fax: 705.722.5136

    Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    All services are available both in person and remotely.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Is it really worth my time to apply at all?

    It is entirely up to you how much time and effort you put into applying for awards, scholarships, and bursaries. The more detailed the information you provide, however, the more information a selection committee will have when deciding on the successful recipients. Don't be disheartened if you don't win. Simply try once more!

    How will I get my award, scholarship, or bursary?

    All funds awarded will be applied to any outstanding tuition fee balance for the semester in which they are awarded. If you do not have an outstanding balance, Georgian will send you an email transfer as payment. 

    I applied during the 2022-23 academic year (September 2022 to January 2023) and will return in the 2023-24 academic year. Is it necessary for me to reapply?

    Yes. Each academic year, you must submit a new general application to be considered for all Georgian awards, scholarships, and bursaries. 

    What is the acceptance rate for international students at Georgian College?

    Georgian College has a 90% acceptance rate. 

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