The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme is a recognized national scheme, supported by the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, and administered by the Council.
Offered by
Government bodies
Amount granted
INR 25,00,000
Type of scholarship
Level of program
Application deadline
October 12th, 2024 (tentative)
International students
Official url
Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship

What are the benefits of the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme?
The Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Program offers financial support to eligible research master’s and doctoral candidates engaged in full-time research across any discipline. Scholarships can last from one to four years, based on the degree sought and the initial registration date.
Each scholarship awarded can amount to a maximum of INR 25,00,000 annually for any approved year, and it includes:
A yearly stipend of INR 16,97,000;
Up to INR 5,13,500 towards tuition fees, covering both EU and non-EU fees, payable directly to the institution;
A budget of INR 2,90,000 for direct research expenses, assisting awardees in conducting their research projects.
The scholarship award from the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Program encompasses all three previously mentioned budget components. Applicants are advised that they cannot apply to receive funding for just one or two of these categories; the award is designed to cover the stipend, tuition fees contribution, and direct research expenses collectively.

What is the eligibility criteria for the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme?
Potential candidates are advised to verify their eligibility before applying to the programme. Every applicant must successfully complete an eligibility quiz via the online application system to gain access to the application form.
Key eligibility and application guidelines include:
There is no age restriction for applicants interested in this programme.
Applicants must have an affiliation with an eligible Irish higher education institution or research organization.
Applications are accepted only in Irish or English.
Applicants who have made two previous unsuccessful attempts to the same programme, including applications under strategic partner themes, are not eligible. This restriction applies even if the applicant has changed their research topic or host institution.
The Irish Research Council does not provide funding for research in prohibited areas, which include:
- Human cloning for reproductive purposes.
- Genetic modification of humans that could make changes heritable, except for research related to cancer treatment of the gonads.
- Creation of human embryos solely for research or stem cell procurement, including through somatic cell nuclear transfer.

What is the application process for the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme?
The application process for the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme involves several key steps and requirements.
Application Portal: Register and create a profile on the Irish Research Council's online system.
Preparation: Review the Guide for Applicants on the council's website for detailed application instructions.
Research Proposal: Submit a proposal detailing research objectives, methodology, and significance.
Supervisor and References: Secure a letter of support from a supervisor at an eligible Irish institution and provide academic references.
Documentation: Include academic transcripts, a CV, and other relevant supporting materials.
Submission Deadline: Ensure applications are submitted by the specified deadline; late submissions are not considered.
Review Process: Applications are evaluated based on academic achievements, research proposal quality, and project feasibility.
Notification: Successful applicants will receive notification, outlining the scholarship details and conditions.
Acceptance: Recipients must formally accept the scholarship and adhere to its conditions.

What are the documents required for the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme?
The Government of Ireland (GOI) scholarship application necessitates the following documents:
Completed Application Form: Adhere to instructions in the call documentation.
Research Proposal: Detail research goals, methodology, significance, and literature review.
Candidate's CV: Include academic history, research experience, publications, awards, and achievements.
References: Provide two letters from those knowledgeable about the candidate’s research aptitude.
Supervisor's CV: Present the research qualifications and supervisory background of the supervisor(s).
Eligibility Documentation: Show proof of nationality (for non-EU applicants), academic transcripts, and other pertinent eligibility proofs.
Budget Justification: Explain the financial plan for the research, with justifications per scholarship guidelines.
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What is the selection process for the Government of Ireland Postgraduate Scholarship Programme?
The selection process for the Government of Ireland (GOI) Postgraduate Scholarships involves:
Eligibility Screening: Initial check for compliance with eligibility criteria as per call documentation.
International Peer Review: Applications assessed by global experts based on published criteria to ensure fair and expert evaluation.
Score Normalization: Adjusts scores to account for variability across panels and disciplines, ensuring equitable treatment.
Ranking and Strategic Priorities: Applications ranked post-review, with funding decisions influenced by the Council's strategic priorities, including discipline diversity and gender balance.
Outcome Notification: All applicants are informed of their application's outcome, with detailed feedback provided.

How can you contact the Government of Ireland for the scholarship?
To get your questions or queries answered, you can contact the Government of Ireland on the below mentioned contact details:
Phone: +353 1 231 5000

Frequently asked questions
Can I apply for the scholarship if I'm currently enrolled in a postgraduate program?
Yes, current postgraduate students can apply, provided they meet the eligibility criteria and have not had two previous unsuccessful applications to the programme.
Are there any specific fields of study that are prioritized for the scholarship?
The scholarship is open to all disciplines. However, the Irish Research Council may apply strategic funding priorities, including discipline diversity, when making funding decisions.
What happens if my research project changes after receiving the scholarship?
Significant changes to your research project should be reported to the Irish Research Council as they may affect your scholarship. Approval for changes typically depends on the nature of the alteration and its alignment with the original proposal's objectives.
Is part-time research eligible for the scholarship?
The document specifies that the scholarship supports full-time research master’s and doctoral candidates. Part-time candidates should verify their eligibility directly with the programme administrators.
Can international students apply for the scholarship?
Yes, international students from outside the EU are eligible to apply. They must provide proof of nationality and meet other eligibility requirements.